Tiny Town

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I woke up and stretched as I heard Dave brushing his teeth. I groaned.
     "What?" Dave asked.
     "I'm sore." I whined, rolling over. Dave giggled.
     "Then I guess I did my job."  I finally got up and got dressed. "Still wanna go to tiny town?" Dave asked.
     "Uhhh, yeah!" I said, putting my hair in a side ponytail.
     "You are really clumsy, though." He said, grabbing my waist and kissing my cheek.
      "It'll be all good! When are we going home?" I asked.
     "Already getting homesick?" Dave laughed, putting on his shoes.
      "I am missing everyone a little." I said.
      "Sometime tomorrow afternoon." He answered. We headed out and went to tiny town. It was so awesome! There was tiny boats floating down a tiny river. There were tiny woods with tiny bears and tiny trains going around a tiny track! Dave looked gigantic next to everything.
      "Hey, I think you can fit on the boat! Get on." Dave joked. I gave him a look and he pulled me in a side hug. We went to an ice cream place and got us some hot fudge sundaes. We sat down across from each other and ate.
     "Oh my gosh, this is amazing!" I said as I ate my sundae. Dave giggled and flicked ice cream on me.
      "You got something on your face."  He said. I threw my cherry at him and wiped my face off.
      "Are you ready to race again?" I asked.
     "Hell yeah! I'm ready to get a race with Sapphire." He said.
      "Then I won't know who to cheery for!" I laughed.
     "It's easy! You cheer for your husband!" Dave said.

Idk what to ramble about at this point😂hope y'all like this chapter, love y'all. 😘😘

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