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A/N: YOUNGER DAYS! Basketball practice

I grabbed my basketball bag and found Sapphire who had hers.
     "You ready?" I asked.
     "Nope." Sapphire answered. Coach Brian was our basketball coach. We entered the locker room and got our practice jerseys on.
      "Why are we the only ones?" I asked.
     "Because we got in trouble, remember? The fight? Coach Mackey has the others doing fun stuff outside." Sapphire reminded me. I then remembered that I was shoulder checked by a bigger girl and Sapphire didn't like that so they got into a fight and I had to help. Our coaches didn't like that. We walked out in the court. Coach was waiting on us.
     "Hey, ladies." He said.
     "Coach." I replied.
     "What're we doin today?" Sapphire asked.
     "Anger management." Coach said.
     "We don't need our anger managed, coach." I said.
      "Whys that?" He asked.
     "People need to manage not to piss us off." Sapphire answered. Coach chuckled.
     "That's why you need anger management." He said. He brought out the basketball boys. Kye also played basketball. I groaned. Coach made Kye and I stand out in the court. "One on one, first one to ten wins." Now, I hated losing. I lose my mind when I lose anything. Kye kept bumping into me, trying to knock me off balance and it was getting me angrier. When he got closer to the basket he charged me and knocked me down, scoring a basket. I looked at coach.
     "That was a foul!" I snapped. Coach just shrugged. I got the ball and I went for my basket, but Kye shoved me. Coach was having him do this on purpose. Anger management. I stood up and threw the ball at Kye as hard as I could, hitting him in the chest.
     "Fuck this." I said, walking to the bleachers.
     "You ain't done yet, Shearer, get back out there and finish!" Coach yelled.
     "No." I said, sitting by Sapphire.
     "What was that?" He asked.
     "I said no. This ain't helping nothing." I said.
     "Run snakes. Sapphire! You and Leno. One on one. First to ten." Coach said. I rolled my eyes and started running my snakes. I can not wait to graduate so I don't have to deal with this. Sapphire kept getting pushed around and I could see her getting more pissed by the second. When I went to get a drink I saw her grab Leno and shove him into the wall.
     "Shearer! Burpees, unless you wanna get back into anger management." Coach said. I rolled my eyes again and got back on the court. It was two on two this time. Sapphire and I against Kye and Leno.
     "I'll go easy." Kye said.
     "I'm gonna kick you in the shin." I said. He charged me and knocked me down again. I stood up, furious. It didn't help being short, I got pushed around very easily.
     "Oh come on, babe, I thought we were having fun!" Kye said. The bell rang so Sapphire and I went to the locker room to change.
      "That was stupid." Sapphire snapped, throwing her stuff into the lockers, causing the metal to clank and shake. We got dressed and headed back to the school building to eighth period.

Another younger days😂Hope you liked this one. I love yalllllllllll😘

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