4th of July Part 2

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My leg was burning, but I couldn't look at it because Dave's hands were on my face.
"What?" I asked.
"Are you okay?" Dave said. I nodded my head.
"Bring her in the shop." Justin said quickly. Dave picked me up bridal style and carried me in the shop and laid me down on the pool table. I looked at my leg and saw that my calf was black with a little blood peaking through. Dave handed me the bottom of his shirt.
"Okay, if you need to bite this just do it, okay, babygirl?" Dave said. I nodded. Justin put some Neosporin on and stuck the shirt in my mouth and bit down and clamped my eyes shut. A few whimpers slipped out and I mentally kicked myself for it. When he was done I sat down in a chair and drank a Pepsi. Everyone got some more fireworks going when they were sure I was okay.
"Is Emily okay?" I asked. She came through the door and ran to me and hugged me.
"Are you okay?" She sniffled.
"I'm okay." I smiled. I saw her arm had a scrape on it. "What happened?" I asked.
"I scraped it on the porch when I fell." She answered. I pushed her off so the artillery shell didn't get her.
"I'm sorry I pushed you." I said. She smiled.
"It's okay, Dani. I'm gonna go watch the fireworks." I nodded and she ran off. Dave was leaned up against the bar, drinking a water. His eyes were red.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"I was scared." His voice cracked. I looked at my leg. The right side of my pants were cut off when Justin was putting the medicine on me. I pushed myself up and limped over to Dave. "Please sit down." He said. I hugged him.
"No." I said. He hugged me back and buried his head in my hair.
"I couldn't move when I saw the thing come at you. I was scared. I didn't know if you were okay." He said.
     "But you know now. I'm okay, baby boy." I said.
     "I love you."
     "I love you too, Dave." I said.
     We drove to his house. I was gonna stay the night.  My leg was weaker so I couldn't walk. Dave had to carry me.
     "Ugh, I feel helpless. I need a bath." I said. I felt yucky and wanted to wash my leg.
     "I'll get the water running, can you get undressed by yourself?" He asked.
     "I think." He got the water going and I managed to get my shirt and bra off. Dave helped with my pants and underwear. My face went red and Dave smiled.
     "You're very beautiful." He told me. He lifted me and and gently placed me in the water. I sucked air through my teeth for my leg hurting when it touched the water. He sat me down and  my leg stopped burning.
     "You want me to stay or are you okay?" Dave asked, sitting back.
     "Stay." I said, cleaning dirt off of me.

Awww, I think that was cute. Wbu? Did you like it? I hope so!😘😘😘happy 4th! Be safe

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