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Dave's POV:
I walked into Justin's shop. Dani was with Sapphire because I asked Sapphire to keep Dani busy.
"Hey, buddy!" Justin said to me. I smiled.
"Hey." I said.
"What brings you here to my humble home." He asked.
"I wanted to talk to you." I said, rubbing the back of my neck. I was nervous.
"About what?" He said, siting on his stool.
"Dani." I answered nervously. Justin smiled a bit.
"Either this is bad or I'm gonna get a long speech that's gonna leave us both teary eyed." Justin said. I chuckled and looked around.
"When I first saw her I knew I had to make her mine somehow, but I was just too shy. Then you called wanting me back in the Sonoma and it helped me get closer to your sister and I made her mine. She's my everything and I want to give her the world. She's my sunshine on a rainy day. My light in the dark. I wanted to ask your blessing." I said, my voice cracked a little but I didn't want to cry just yet.
"You want to marry my sister?" He asked.
"I do. I really do." I said. Justin smiled.
"You really love her. Just promise me that you won't hurt her." He said. His eyes were getting watery.
"I would never dream of hurting Dani. Ever." I said. Justin nodded.
"Well alright then. You have my blessing. I couldn't ask for a better man for my sister." Justin said. I smiled and brought him in for a hug.
"Thank you." I said. Justin patted my back.
Dani's POV:
"We haven't stopped anywhere. What's going on?" I asked. Sapphire looked at me.
"I'm trying to find somewhere to eat!" She said.
"We've passed maybe twenty damn food places. And one of them being sonic." I said. She loves sonic.
"Why didn't you just say you wanted sonic." She said.
"You're being weird. Jittery." I said.
     "Those pain meds got you all wacky." She said, pulling int sonic. She quickly pushed the button and ordered our food.
     "I haven't taken pain medication since I got my cast off, Saph." I said.
     "Then you're just going crazy." She said. I obviously wasn't gonna get answers so I just dropped it. We went over to Justin's place to chill out. Dave gave me a hug.
    "You have fun?" He asked.
    "Yup, I got sonic." I said, holding up the bag. Goliath came over and sat at my feet. I took out one of my grilled cheeses and tore of a bite for him. "Wanna hang out tomorrow?" I asked Dave. He looked at justin.
     "Dave is hanging out with me tomorrow. We are going to the bass pro." Justin said.
     "I love bass pro!" I said.
     "Guys day, sis." Justin said.
     "Fine." I groaned. Dave chuckled and kissed my forehead.
     "Wanna stay the night with me tonight?" Dave asked.
     "Heck yeah! Movie night?" I asked.
     "Dukes of Hazzard." He answered. I jumped on his back and kissed his cheek. "You're a monkey." He said.
     "Y'all are going to live happily ever after." Sapphire said. Justin slapped her arm. I giggled.
     "Come on, babe." He said, carrying me to his truck and calling Goliath. I got in the truck and turned up the radio. When we got to his house I got my night clothes so I could take a shower. I went to the bathroom and before I started to undress Dave opened the door.
    "What're you doin goof?" I asked.
    "Takin a shower." Dave said.
    "Not with me, you'll hog the water, get!" I joked and playfully shoved him out and locked the door.
    "I thought you loved me!" He whined.
     "I do, but I also love warm water." I said.
     I got out of the shower and put on night clothes. Which consisted of underwear and one of Dave's shirts. I really love how big they are. Dave got up to take his shower and I got popcorn started an found the Dukes Of Hazzard movie. A few hundred minutes later Dave came in.
     "Good lord, what took you so long?" I asked.
     "Relaxation." He said as he grabbed my waist and sat down, pulling me with him. We cuddled up on the couch and watched the movie with Goliath piled on the both of us.

Idk if I'll have the next chapter up tomorrow or not. It depends on my mood on the bus😂I hope y'all liked this one! I love y'all😘😘

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