Dani and Justin

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I heard a knock on my door and Goliath started to bark. I rubbed my eyes and got up to answer the door.
     "Come on, brother-sister day today!" Justin yelled. "Go get dressed!" He ordered. I groaned and got my usual on. I got a button up, jeans, and boots on. I brushed my hair and just left it down. I walked out to Justin's truck which had his enclosed trailer.
     "What are we doing?" I asked.
     "It's a surprise." Justin smiled. After a while of listening to music I had something I wanted to ask.
    "Hey, Justin?" I asked.
    "Yes, sis?"
     "Will you walk me down the aisle?" I asked. Justin smiled and grabbed my hand.
     "I would absolutely love to." Justin said. I smiled back. We pulled up to an old rusted gait. He got out and opened it. Grass was taller than I was!
     "I gonna get lost in here!" I said. Justin laughed. He drove further down the little dirt road until we pulled up to a dirt track. The first track I ever raced on with go karts! "Justin." I gasped. It's been so long since I've been here. He smiled wide.
     "Guess what's in the trailer?" Justin said. I jumped out and opened the door. Our go karts! My was still the same yellow with the number five on the side with the Pepsi logo on the front. His was red with the number six and the coke logo on the front.
     "They still work?" I asked.
     "Shawn and I been working on them for a while." Justin said
     "Do the owners care?" I asked. Justin smiled.
     "No." He looked like he was hiding something. We hopped in our karts and entered the track. We lined up and looked at each other. We counted to three and sped off, racing each other. Five laps in and I was way far ahead. When we finished I jumped on Justin.
     "Thank you so much!" I yelled. Justin kissed my cheek.
     "Wanna go eat?" He asked.
     "Duh!" I laughed.

Awwww☺️brother-sister day! Haha, how'd y'all like this onnnneeee?😘😘I love y'all!

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