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     "Wake up! We get to go see Susie Lou!" Sapphire yelled. I groaned and slowly got dressed.
"Do you even put a sock over a cast?" I asked, looking at my feet.
"Nope." Sapphire answered. "Now come on hop along! Let's go."
"How come you didn't break anything?" I asked. All she got was cuts and bruises.
"I broke my memory apparently." Sapphire asked. Dave honked the horn outside.
"Ready?" He called. We smiled and Sapphire got in the back seat. I hopped up in the front seat, but didn't quite make it. I was holding into the center console and slipping backwards. I looked at Dave.
"Oh shit." I said, falling back and landing on my butt. Dave quickly got out of the truck and helped me up. "Fuck crutches." I said as Sapphire giggled. Dave helped me into the truck.
"Ya know," Dave started. He out the truck in reverse and backed out if the driveway an I looked at him. "You forgot." He finished. I was confused.
"Yeah, I forgot a lot of things. Mind narrowing it down?" I said.
"You forgot that I love you." He said, looking at me with hurt filled eyes.
"What?" I asked.
"Before you left with Sapphire I told you that I loved you and not to forget it. You said you wouldn't." He said. I teared up and looked forward.
     "I'm sorry." I whispered, looking down. He grabbed my hand and I looked at him.
     "We'll get through this. We'll help you," he said and then looked at Sapphire. "Both of you." We pulled up to Midwest and Sapphire jumped out when she saw Susie Lou. I sat in silence.
     "What's wrong?" Dave asked.
     "You have all these beautiful memories of us and I don't. I can't share those with you." I said.
     "You'll remember soon. Doctor said it'll all come back. It's just a matter of when." Dave said. "And we gotta help y'all." I got out and crutched into the shop. I saw a girl with black hair, I tensed up and Dave put his hand on my back. "What's wrong, Dani?" He asked.
     "What's she doing here?" I asked.
     "She wanted to make sure you and Sapphire are okay."  
     "That's bullshit." I said.
     "Hi! I'm Sapphire." Sapphire said to Lizzie, shaking her hand. Lizzie smiled.
     "Hi, there!" She said.
     "You remember her?" Dave asked.
       "Yes. Lizzie." I answered. How does Sapphire not remember her and I do? I sat on a stool and Lizzie looked at me and smiled.
       "I still remember you, bitch." I snapped. Her eyebrows furrowed.
      "We dont like her?"  Sapphire asked.
      "No." I said. Sapphire looked at Lizzie.
     "Oh. Well, I take my handshake back and I crown you the official bitch of the 405." Sapphire said.

Slowly but surely they are remembering! Hope y'all liked this one! Love y'all 😘😘

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