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I pulled up in the parking lot and saw a bunch of cars. I got into the shop and there was music and food and drinks.
"What's going on?" I asked Sapphire.
"Just a party." She said. Every now and then Justin throws surprise parties just to have fun. Dave handed me a pizza.
"Hey, babe!" He said. I smiled at him.
     "Hey." I heard a splash and I looked out the back to see a big water slide.
     "Sapphire! Wanna double on a tube?" I asked. She grabbed and tube and we climbed the ladder. We laid down on our stomachs and pushed off. Chuck grabbed the tube halfway down and we slid off and tumbled over each other the rest of the way down. We laughed
     "Thanks, Chuck." I said, playfully flipping him off. It was about thirty minutes later and I saw Lizzy and Kye making out.
"Oh get a room you two!" I said. By now everyone was drinking.
"I'm getting tired if your remarks." Lizzy said, swinging at me and punched my nose. Always with the nose. I grabbed a beer and threw it all over her and she grabbed my shirt and pinned me against her truck. I grabbed the back if her hair and slammed it into her passenger window, breaking the glass. "You know what, I'm outta here." She snapped, getting in her truck and left.
      "You actually didn't throw your right hook." I joked to Sapphire.
     "Well I knew when she got your nose it was game over and my assistance wasn't needed." Sapphire said. Dave engulfed me in a hug.
     "You're dangerous." Dave said.
     "You know it." I winked. Everybody was started to get a little wild and funnier than usual because they were getting a little drunk, including me I will admit. This would be the first party where I wasn't the designated driver. I was laughing at everything. This time Dave was my designated driver, I'm usually his. I was walking funny and stumbling.
"Maybe you should sit down." Dave said, he always got worried about me when I was drunk. I giggled.
"Nah." I said.
"Just for a little bit." Dave said.
"Okay." I said, sitting in his lap. He laughed.
      "That's not what I meant, but okay." I laughed and leaned back, laying my head on his shoulder and kissing his cheek. "I'm glad you're a happy drunk." Dave said.
     "Me too." I said.
     "Dani! Wanna go on the slide again!" Sapphire slurred.
     "Yeahhhh!" I dragged out and we ran to the slide and climbed the ladder. We rode a tube down and we made it to the end and the grass stopped the tube, causing us to flip and laugh and Dave to almost have a heart attack.
     "Y'all are crazy." Dave said, putting his arm around us and walking us back into the shop.

Just a random chapter! Sunday my uncle tommy got really drunk and I was like Dave in this chapter😂I was worried about him and was trying to make him sit down and he sat in my lap and happily drank his beers. As long as he wasn't lighting fireworks I was good. Hope y'all enjoyed!😘😘

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