Making up

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Sapphire was at my house and we were watching Central Intelligence. I heard a knock.
     "Are you a killer?" Sapphire asked.
     "Then come on in!" She said.
     "I thought this was my house." I said, laughing. Dave walked in.
     "Dave! Buddy!" Sapphire said, giving him a hug.
     "Hey, Princess." He said.
     "Look! It's Dani." She said, pointing at me.
     "I see." Dave giggled. Sapphire leaned Dave down so she could speak in his ear.
     "Ya know, under those clothes, she's naked." Sapphire said.
     "Sapphire!" I yelled.
     "Well just talk to the poor boy! Please." Sapphire.
     "Wanna watch the movie with us?" I asked him. He gave a small smile and sat on the recliner.
     "That is my seat, Mr." Sapphire said, making him get up. The only other seat was next to me and he seemed uncomfortable.
     "I don't bite, ya know." I said. He sat as far away as he could. He was nervous. I smiled and I scooted over, laying in his lap. Dave was giving me a weird look.
     "I may have been a bitch back there." I said.
      "No, you weren't. I should've made her leave. I'm sorry." He said. I gave him a kiss.
     "Me too, babe." I said.
     "Yay! This calls for celebratory ice cream!" Sapphire said, digging I my freezer and bringing out the neopolitan.
     "Gasp! Not the neopolitan!" I said, acting dramatic.
     "Yes! The neopolitan! It must happen, julie!" She said, using a fake name.
     "Who the hell is Julie?" I asked, laughing with Dave.
     "I don't know, it was the first name that popped into my head." Dave laughed.
     "Y'all are goofy." My door flew open and in came Azn.
     "Azn! My favorite asian!" I said, giving him a hug.
     "Neopolitan! No!" He said.
     "Yes! They made up!" Sapphire said, pretending to pass out, making Azn catch her.
     "Nooooo! Wake up!" He screamed, being his Azn self. I looked at Dave and laughed.
      "I missed you, Dani." He said.
      "I wasn't even gone." I said.
     "But you were mad at me." He said, standing up. I hugged him, burying my face in his chest. "You're still short."
     "But I can still punch you in the throat." I warned.
     "Easy, firecracker." He said.
     "I think that you should be your new nickname! You get called that all the time!" Sapphire said. I laughed and leaned into Dave.
      "So, does this count as a double date?" Azn asked.

Back together! Yay! Their argument didn't last too long😂 how can you stay mad at this face

Back together! Yay! Their argument didn't last too long😂 how can you stay mad at this face

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Anyway! Hope y'all enjoyed! Love y'all!😘😘

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