The Pond

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I was at the shop with everyone but we weren't working. We were just hanging out. When do we ever work anyway? It was getting pretty late.
     "Hey, Dani?" Dave said. He seemed a little off today, nervous, on edge. I didn't know what was wrong with him.
     "Hey, Dave." I mocked, smiling.
     "Wanna go to the pond?" He asked. I smiled and nodded.
     "Don't have too much fun you two!" Sapphire said.
     "I love you baby sister!" Justin said. We got in Dave's truck and drove to the pond. We arrived and I sat on the bench and soon Dave sat down beside me and we just watched.
     "Ya know, Dani. You make me happy. The happiest I've ever been. You keep me sane and you're the most fun girl I've met. Besides Sapphire of course," he started. I didn't know where he was going. "We've been to hell and back together and we are still going strong." I smiled. "Clothes your eyes, Dani." He said.
     "Travis Pastrana better be pulling up on a boat." I said as I closed my eyes. I heard Dave scuffling around and when I got the sign to open my eyes I saw Dave on his knee with a little velvet box in his hand. It held a beautiful ring. I was shocked.
      "Dave." I said, bringing my hand to my mouth
     "Dani, I don't know where id be without you. You've had my back for almost a year now and you have never given up on me." His voice was beginning to crack. "Will you marry me, Dani?" I was crying happy tears.
     "Yes! A million times yes!" I got up and jumped in his arms and he buried his face in my neck and spun me around. He put me down and smiled at me before kissing me. "You didn't really go to bass pro did you?" I asked. He chuckled.
     "Nope, and I didn't really talk to Justin about the Crow either. I got his blessing." Dave said. He wiped the tears from my face and I hugged him again and didn't let him go.

Wrote this at almost midnight! I'm on the top of a bunk bed yall! I'm at camp! I met this really nice boy, too. He's a cutie and really funny! Aghhh! His name is Jake! Anyway, enough about me! I hope y'all enjoyed this chapterrrrrr! Love y'all!😘😘😘

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