Chapter 3-Apologize

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(Y/N)'S POV:
We walked to the Big Hit Entertainment building where we create music, write songs, and etc., I had a tour of the place. Suga didn't talk to me this morning, he would avoid having eye contact with me and he stayed away from me.

This morning I noticed that Suga and (Y/N) has been acting strange, I don't know what's going on but I want them to get along so I decided to pair them up to write lyrics.

"I'm going to pair (Y/N) and Suga to write lyrics." I announced.

Suga looked shocked. The rest of the group left the room leaving (Y/N) and Suga alone. I hope they work things out.

I can't believe that Suga and (Y/N) got paired up and they are in a room alone. What if he sexually harasses her or hurt her? What if she cries? If he hurts her in any way then I will punch the hell out of him but I will trust him to fix it. When I see them together I get this weird feeling inside me but I don't know what it is. It feels like I don't want to see them together but I don't know why. What is it?

(Y/N)'S POV:
     The first ten seconds was silent. I grabbed my notebook and a pencil and started to think.

     Suga sighed. "(Y/N), I have something to tell you."

     I turned around and faced him. "What is it?"

     "I'm so sorry that I sexually harassed you yesterday, I didn't know what I was thinking. I couldn't control my hormones and you're just-you're just too beautiful. That's why I avoided you this morning. You probably hate me and I understand."

"I don't hate you, I got a little disturbed by what you did yesterday but I forgive you. Everyone makes mistakes, mistakes help you learn not to do it again."

Then Suga wrapped his arms around me, I was surprised at first and I flinched, but then I smiled and felt happy. A few hours later we finished working on the lyrics then we went back home. I was back in my room looking through websites through the computer. I saw on the news about the bts members with me and I read the hateful comments. Some said "If a girl joins bts, then how is it suppose to be called the bangtan boys? Ugh, so stupid." "She is so ugly." "What a whore having all the boys to herself." "Seeing her just makes me puke." While I read the comments, Jimin came in the room.

"Hey (Y/N), what are you doing?" Jimin asked.

"Nothing, just, uh, reading." I replied.

"Reading hateful comments?"


"(Y/N), you don't have to look at those. Don't listen to what they're saying to you."

"No it's fine, I'm totally fine, they're just haters."

Jimin pulled me into a warm hug and I blushed slightly, then he patted my head for comfort.

"It'll be ok, everyone has haters, even I do." Jimin said.

I smiled and instantly felt better. "Thanks."

"Your welcome."

     I decided to go out for a walk because I wanted to spend some time alone and think about things. I walked pass the park and shops. I noticed that many people stared at me probably because I am on the news about being with the Bangtan Boys. Suddenly my phone rang then I picked it up.

     "Hello? (Y/N) are you there?" It was Jimin.

     "Jimin? Yes I am, why did you call me?" I asked curiously.

     "I was just wondering if you want to go to the cafe and hang out."


     "I'll text you the address, see ya there later."

     "Ok bye."

     Once I got to the cafe I sat down at a table waiting for Jimin. A few minutes later the door opened and I saw a figure with a hat, a warm jacket, and a scarf covering his nose and lips, but the eyes seem familiar. The figure walked towards me and pulled down the scarf revealing his face, it was Jimin. I smiled. After we ordered our drinks we sat down.

     "Hi, why are you wearing winter clothes when it's Summer?" I said.

     "Hey, my face is covered because I don't want to be surrounded by lots of people, don't get me wrong, I love fans, but it's just that I didn't want to show up late." He whispered.

     "I understand."

We continued our conversation and we learned new things about each other. After we went to the cafe we started walking home.

"Sorry that I didn't bring my car, I just felt like walking instead of driving." Jimin said.

"Oh it's fine. I had really fun spending time with you."

Jimin smiled widely showing his dimples which looks so cute. Oh shoot, stop it (Y/N)!

"I had fun spending time with you too."

"It's really cold outside, huh?" I said shivering.

I was shivering because I didn't think through what to wear and I was not wearing warm clothes. In the morning it's hot and at night it's cold, that's the way it works here. Jimin noticed that I was shivering so he unzipped his jacket and wrapped it around me. I noticed that I blushed slightly.

"Thank you, you are always sweet and kind." I said.

"No problem."

"But are you cold?" I asked being concerned.

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine as long as I have you."

I blushed. When we got to the dormitory, we all ate dinner. Jin was the one cooking food and I helped him. After we ate I helped him wash the dishes.

"Thank you, you didn't have to help me set up dinner and wash the dishes." Jin said.

I gave him a warm smile. "No problem."

"You should be the new mother of BTS." Jin said.

I laughed nervously. "I don't know."

"You don't have to but you would make a good mother."


Suga was sleeping on the couch, Jin was doing chores, V, Jimin, and Junkook were playing video games, and Rap Monster and J-Hope were on snap chat making short videos together. I didn't know what to do so I read a book then I went to sleep early.
Hey guys sorry if this chapter was boring. I'll try my best on the next chapter. I hope you guys enjoy it though!

1092 words
Finished writing: July 29, 2016
Published: July 10, 2016

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