Chapter 26-Awkward

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(Y/N)'S POV:
"Our business isn't finished yet."

Oh no.

He climbed on top of me and kissed my lips.

"SEX ALERT! SEX ALERT!" Taehyung screamed.

Taehyung opened the door.


I pushed Jimin off of me and he fell off the bed.

"We're still not done (Y/N)." Jimin said in a cute tone.

OK MAKE UP YOUR MIND JIMIN ARE YOU CUTE OR HOT?!(Author-san: Both. *insert Lenny face here*)

Well this was awkward.

Very awkward.
Finally . . . I can finally get revenge on the person I love yet hate at the same time.

Also, there's this girl I believe, named (Y/N) (L/N). Very interesting. I'll make her regret her decision and make her life living hell. I want to see her scream in agony, ripped apart in pain, have everything she loves being taking away that keeps her sane, and breaking her down piece by piece.

I promise I'll do this.

Just watch me.
(Y/N)'S POV:
I went shopping with Jimin at the mall and we had fun.

"Ooh! Jimin! That puppy is so adorable!"

"Yeah, when we're married and have children we should get a puppy." Jimin said with a cute smile on his face.


We then went to the costume store.

"Hey, remember that one time we went to the mall in L.A.?" Jimin asked.

I nodded. I remember the bet of whoever blushed first would have to do whatever the other person said and Jimin made me wear a maid outfit from the costume store.

Jimin's warm hands held mine making me feel safe and loved by someone. The smile on my face was evident.

I turned my head around and saw a person quickly hiding behind the costumes. I got curious so I checked it out.

When I went behind the costumes, I saw no one.


It must be my imagination.

Jimin and I walked out of the store to a café. I had a feeling someone was watching us so I turned around. I saw no one suspicious following us.

"Are you ok (Y/N)?" Jimin asked.

"Uh, yeah. I'm fine."

We ordered our food and sat and ate,

"So, (Y/N), I was hoping you'd except this?" Jimin said holding out a small black box.

Is that what I think that is? It's a ring box! I gasped in surprise.

I grabbed the box gently in my hands and slowly opened the box.

I wonder what it will look like.

I opened the box to see . . .

Empty candy wrappers. My smile fell off my face.

Jimin laughed at me.

"You should've seen the look on your face!"

I pouted. "Your such a Jimeanie!"

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