Chapter 11-The Bet

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We were getting ready to go to a show. The show was called Celebrity Meet Show. The makeup artist put makeup on my face.

"How is the makeup?" The makeup artist asked.

"It's wonderful! I love it! Thank you." I said giving her a warm smile, she returned it.

We all went out to the stage and sat down on the chairs.

"Welcome to the Celebrity Meet Show! We have BTS with us!" The man had a name tag called Jerry.

Since we were in Los Angeles, we had to talk English. We did a few games, we told them about us, and etc. To be honest I had fun. I won the game on the show so I had a prize, I got very expensive, rare food. We got off the stage into the limousine. I put the food in my mouth and my tongue buds immediately responded. The food had a wonderful aroma, it was warm, and it was absolutely delicious. I moaned in response.

"Mm, this is so good." I said savoring it.

"Can I have some?" Jimin asked making a cute face.



"How about me?" Jin asked.

"Hey me too!" V said.

"I want to try too!" J-Hope said.

"No losers! You could've won it!" I said.

I sighed, I gave each of them some, even Suga, but after that I didn't share the food anymore because it was too delicious.

We all went back to the hotel, we ate lunch. After that Suga worked on the lyrics, J-Hope, V, and Jungkook watched TV, Jin was reading a magazine, and I don't know about the rest. I remembered the bet that Jimin and I made so I walked to Suga, he was on his bed working on the songs on the lap top.

"Hey Suga, what's up." I said cooly.

"Yo, I'm just working on the song. Do you need anything?"

"Do you think I'm. . .Swag?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Do you think I am swagger than you?"

"Nope, you're pretty swag, but nobody is as swag as me."

"How about this? If I beat you in a rap battle then you have to admit that I am more swag than you. If you win then I have to admit that you are more swag than me."

"It's on, because you can't beat me in a rap battle, do you know who I am?"

". . .Sugar?"

"Seriously? Whatever."

We had a rap battle and guess what? Yoongi beat me. Just kidding, nobody can beat me! I actually beat him in a rap battle! Ha ha!

"You have to say it." I said.

"Ok, fine. . ."

"Yep, go on. . ."

I got out my camera and recorded him.

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