Chapter 29-Raep Monster

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(Y/N)'S POV:
The day after the incident I felt a bit paranoid. I wasn't too afraid, but just a bit worried that would happen again. There are many rapists out there so who knows who, when, what, or how it's gonna happen.

I texted Rap Monster.

Me: Hey Raep Monster 👋
Rap Monster: Hey lol u said raep. I guess I'm a Raep Monster and I raep everyone now
Me: Lol 😂
Rap Monster: So why'd u txt me 4?
Me: Idk
Rap Monster: Because you wanted 2 talk to me? 😏
Me: I mean like why am I texting u rn then?
Rap Monster: Oh, uh yeah.
Me: Bye c u L8R and I'm changing ur name 2 Raep Monster
Raep Monster: Cool go ahead and see ya

I turned to my left to see Raep-I mean Rap Monster sitting directly next to me at the table. We were waiting for everyone else to finish up breakfast and we got bored and finished already so we decided to text right next to each other.


"Hey Raep Monster who'd you raep first if you were a rapist?" I blurted out, not realizing what I said.

"Hm, let me think." He said casually.

Everyone just stared at us like we were crazy. Especially me. They looked confused.

"(Y/N), you already know who I'd rape first." He said wiggling his eyebrows at me.

. . .


I thought he'd say Jin.

But he didn't.

So like ok.

Is it possible for a male to rape a male?
I mean like they do have butt holes right? People said that Jimin has a nice booty so they call him Jibooty. How come more females have bigger butts and boobs than males? If women were all flat chested, would they be aloud to go shirtless just as men?

"Hey (Y/N), what're you guys talking about? A Raep Monster?" Jin asked.

We explained the whole thing to them.

"Oh, ok." Jin said.

"Keep Raep Monster away from (Y/N) or else he'll raep her!" Jimin said.

Raep Monster just wiggles his eyebrows the whole time at Jimin.

And Jimin was like 'boiiiiiiiiiiiiiii she be mine you ain't taking her.'

Jin was like 'you better shut the f*ck up guys or else I'll bring my pans out and smack y'all.'

I was like 'ok then cool imma just like leave you guys here and like leave.'

Suga was like 'I don't give a fuck.'

V was like 'Fat loopy saucy ladybug smelly matatas.'

Jungkook was like 'what's going on here? And what do they mean by calling him Raep Monster?'

J-Hope was like 'I am J-Hoe-Hope and I'll save the day by bringing hope and happiness!'

Me right now: ._______________.

I slowly tip-toed away from them and went to the bedroom I shared with Jimin.

Oh right, did I tell you today was Valentines Day?

Yeah, well, um . . .


I got Jimin a present. I'm not telling what it is to anyone about it. I won't even tell myself who's reading this right now what I got for Jimin yet until I give it to him. Ya (Y/N), you don't get to know the gift you're giving Jimin. Ha! This sounds confusing.

But anyways, Jimin walked in and plopped on the bed right next to me.

"Hey (Y/N), is there anything special going on today?"


"What is it?"

"Well, today is V-Oh wait," I took out my phone to check the time. "Today is V's one week anniversary for his birthday to come."

"Oh, is there something else?"

"Um, I don't think so, why? Is today your birthday or something?"

I know that his birthday is on October 13, but I had to pretend.

"Uh, it's nothing." He said.

Jimin wasn't mad at me, just upset. I didn't want him to be like that so I hugged him. He hugged me back and he was so warm. Sooooo warm.

He smiled again.

But this time it was fake.

"Uh, I'll be back (Y/N)."


Oh right, did I mention, that we have a day off since it's a holiday? I know, it's rare to have a day off. We already released a valentine video and we made it before Valentines.

Raep-Rap-I mean Raep Monster walked in holding a red card with hearts on it. He smiled cheekily and handed it to me.

"There ya go, princess." He said.

"Hey, that's Jin's name." I replied.

"Shh, don't tell Jin or else he'll get mad."

"Hm, let me think." I said, pretending to think.

Rap Monster and I talked a bit longer then left.

The card said:

Hey (Y/N),
You're a pretty cool person and I like hanging around with you. If you know what I mean. Don't let me raep you. I'll be waiting. ;)

-Raep Monster

I laughed at the note. If Jimin found this he'd be pissed off and piss him off so I decided to put it in my bag. He'll find out anyways.

I later got many kinds of gifts from the fans and from BTS including teddy bears, candy, cards, notes, toys, chocolate, and more. I also got cards like, 'Damn you be looking pretty damn fine lil mama.' I also got, 'You give me da boners.'

Ok then, that's awkward.

They laughed at me and felt bad for me when I got those kind of cards.

Everyone gave me gifts except for one person.


I was planning to wait until after dinner to show Jimin the gift I have for him. He'll love it for sure.

---------------TIME SKIP------------------
It was 10:00 and Jimin and I were getting ready to go to bed. I got ready to give him the valentine gift. I pushed him against the wall. My chest was pressed against his and kissed him.

"Jimin, I never forgot about the Valentine gift." I said.

"You didn't?" A wide grin spread to his face.

I shook my head. I leaned closer to his ear.

"My gift is giving my First Time to you."

"Really?" He said with surprise in his voice, "You really are?"


We got on bed.

"Let's start."


To be continued with this scene . . .
Published: 6/7/17
Words: 1048

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