Chapter 21-Max

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(F/S)= (Favorite Show)
I woke up at 8 o'clock in the morning. I turned over to see Jimin sleeping soundlessly on the bed. He was so adorable. I got ready, I changed clothes, I did my face and brushed my teeth, etc. I walked out of the room and cooked breakfast for all of them, I left the plates on the table and left the building. I called Hwan.

     "Hello?" He said.

     "Hello? Where do you wanna meet?" I asked.

     "Let's meet at the café near the building."

     "Ok, see you there."


     He hung up. I looked at the time, it was 8:48 am. I put my mask on and walked to the café. When I got there I saw four guys at a table with masks. They waved their hands over at me. I waved my hand back. It was them. We ordered our drinks and sat at the table.

"So. . . We were wondering if you would like to go to our dorm after this and get to know each other more?" Hwan said.

"Sure! I would love to!" I said.

We all talked and had fun, even Eun joined. Eun and I made fun of each other, we had a love-hate relationship, but we got along well. We got to their apartment and decided to talk and stuff. Eun was in his room doing who knows what, Hwan was writing lyrics, and Jung Kung was somewhere. . . Max and I were in his room. After we talked all of us sat on the couch, ate snacks, and decided to watch a horror movie. I sat in between Jung Kung and Eun. After the movie we ate lunch and decided to go to an arcade.

We arrived at the arcade, the arcade was pretty huge. We wore masks on our faces so no one would recognize us. Jung Kung and I were playing a racing game.

"I'm gonna beat you!" He said.

"No, I will!" I said.

In the end I beat him and he pouted. "No way!"

"Yes way!" I said grinning widely.

After that we went to the dancing machine, it was me verses Hwan. Eun and Jung Kung were cheering for us. On the end I beat him. After eating at the arcade we decided to just go back to the dormitory. I was on the sofa watching random shows like "We Got Married," "Weekly Idol," and (F/S). After a few shows I got drowsy and drifted to sleep.

I woke up laying down on the couch with a blanket over me and the TV was off. I didn't remember using a blanket or turning off the TV. I looked at the time, it was 4:30 pm. I walked around the dormitory and found Max, once he saw me he walked over to me.

      "Hey (Y/N)."

     "Hey Max."

      "Wanna hang out in my room?"


We sat on his bed and talked, suddenly he said something: "H-Hey (Y/N)? I have something to tell you. . . I'm sorry that I broke up with you, my parents wouldn't accept it since I was moving to another town. I really did love you but thy forced me to say that I didn't love you anymore even though I still still did. Seeing you with another guy makes me have a heartache but I will still be waiting for you."

Hearing him say that made my heart thump and my eyes were wide open. I was shocked. I didn't have feelings for him anymore, only a tiny bit but I love Jimin and I always will, he's my boyfriend. I didn't know what to say, I couldn't move.

"I-I-I uh, s-sorry but I don't have feelings for you. You can find a better girl out there instead of me."

     "That's the problem, there isn't any, you're the only one I want. I can't get you out of my head."

     Suddenly the door opened, it was Hwan. "Hey guys, sorry for interrupting you guys but I think (Y/N) should go home. We have to do some stuff right now."

     I nod my head and walked out of their room. I said bye to all of the members and left their dorm.

I watched as (Y/N) left our dorm. The only reason I joined this group was to be with her, to get her. (Y/N), you'll be mine soon. Why can't you see that you belong with me instead of that bastard Jimin?

(Y/N)'S POV:
I walked to my dorm, Yoongi opened it.

"Hey." Yoongi said.

"Hey." I said.

Yoongi looked sleepy, maybe he was sleeping. Then I heard a scream from a distance.

"Hey! I told you I wanted to open the door!"

I smiled, it was Jimin. He came rushing to the door but then Yoongi smirked and hugged me. I was shocked.

"Wh-What are you doing?" I said.

"Shh, just get along with me, I'm making him jealous and mad."

I nod my head. Once Jimin saw Yoongi hugging me he yelled.

"Yoongi!!! Stop hugging my girlfriend!!!"

"Never." Yoongi replied.

Yoongi carried me into his room while hugging me and he locked the door. Jimin was banging on his door.

"YOONGI!!! Open up the door! What are you guys doing on there?!"

Yoongi pretended to make kissing sounds.

"You're a good kisser (Y/N)." Yoongi said.

I made a disgusted face at him. Yoongi chuckled. Finally Yoongi opened the door. We explained to him it was all a prank, he said he already knew.

"It's ok Jimin I really do love you." I said wrapping my arms around his neck.

Jimin wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek "Me too."

Jimin gave me a piggy back ride to his room and dropped me onto the bed.

He was on top of me. His face was so close to my neck that I felt his breath against my skin. I shivered. He kissed my lips, I kissed back, after a few seconds he removed his lips from mine. He was now laying next to me in bed. I was surprised. I stared at him.

"What? Am I too handsome for you?" Jimin said smirking.

"Ha, very funny, no." I said.

"I was just kissing you to turn you on but I guess that didn't work. I wanted to tease you." Jimin said.

"Ha, ha, in your dreams." I said.

We all ate dinner and enjoyed our break.
Sorry that I haven't written a story for a long time. I had school. I know this chapter is boring but I promise it'll get more interesting soon. :)

1123 words
August 27, 2016

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