Chapter 24-Making Babies

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     "Oh my gosh! Ah, Jimin, it hurts." I moaned.

     "Sorry, let me push it out a bit." Jimin said.


     "Do you want me to put it back in?"

      "I-It doesn't fit though.

     "Ok, just breathe jagiya, it won't be so painful, just let me do it."

     Then he yanked the whole thing out.

     "Oh my goodness! That feels so good!"

     "I know jagiya, I told you so."

     I panted and breathed heavily.

      "Now let's do it again." He said.

      "O-Ok, is it bleeding?"

     "No jagiya, don't worry."

     After a few tears and moans later, it felt so good.

     Jimin was taking shoes off that were too small for my feet and they were tight.

I couldn't get them off so Jimin helped me take them off. It was so hard to take them off and it hurts like hell. I was over exaggerating when I asked if it was bleeding though. You must be wondering, "If you put your foot in a small shoe, then how come you can't take it out?" Well, let's just say I forced my feet in the shoes too hard because I really liked those shoes and they were the biggest size they had. It felt like my feet were bleeding, gosh, it hurts so badly! But now it feels better now that it's off.

     "Shut up you love birds! It sounds like a sex scene!" Namjoon said.

     "That's just because you're a pervert!" Jungkook replied.

     "Not like you aren't either." Namjoon said defensively.


     We were picking shoes to wear and so far it didn't turn out well...

     When we finished we went to some fan meet-ups and we went home. I fixed up some drinks for all the members.

     "So, when are you two going to get married?" Jin asked.

"When will you make babies?" Namjoon said.

Jin shook his head disappointedly.

     "I don't know. . ." I said.

     "Well, then plan it!" V said excitingly.

     "Yeah!" Hoseok said.

     "Eh-Wh-What? I don't care. What's going on?" Yoongi said just waking up from a short nap.

     After Yoongi looked around, he shrugged and said," Not like I give a fuck anyways." And guess what? He went back to sleep.

     "So, can I be the decorator, flower girl, or a bridesmaid?" Jin asked.

     ". . . No." Jimin said.

     "Just stop Jin, no, sorry." I said.

     While we were talking, Jungkook sprayed whip cream over Suga's head and made a whip cream mustache. Oh wow.

     I suddenly got a random call from someone. I was very surprised when I saw the caller ID, it was G-Dragon. Why was he calling me?

     "Hello?" I said.

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