Chapter 6-Criminals

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     (Y/N)'S POV:
I woke up with the sunlight shining on my face. I blocked the sunlight with my hands. I turned to my left to see Suga hugging me like I'm his pillow. I blushed. His legs were tangled with mine somehow and the only body part I could move were my two arms. I looked at the time, it was 6:30 am. I tried to get out of his grasp, but he only held me tighter. I pouted. His eyes slowly opened, he stared at me. Once he saw the situation we were in his eyes grew big, he quickly separated, and he turned the other way. I giggled quietly.

     I got ready, I used bathroom, I changed clothes, and I put on make up. I decided to wake up early to cook breakfast for the boys. I cooked udon(Japanese noodles) and other food. Soon the boys woke up and sat on the table waiting for the food. I served the food.

     "(Y/N), you didn't have to cook breakfast, I could've done it, but I really appreciate it, thank you." Jin said.

     I gave him a warm smile. "No problem, since you guys worked hard I prepared it just for you guys."

     Jimin hugged me. "Thanks (Y/N)! You're the best!" He said in the cutest voice and made the cutest face.

     "Y-Your welcome." I said stuttering.

     I can't control my heart, it fluttered when he hugged me. The BTS members ate two plates of it, Jin of course ordered a third plate of udon which made me giggle, I'm glad they liked it. After we ate we got ready to go to work. I finished working on a lyric for a song called "Uncontrollable," I worked on the music for it and the vocals. I was thinking of releasing my own album, my notebook had tons of lyrics that needed to be created into a song anyway and Rap Monster and my manager approved of it.

     I can't stop it
     It's beating nonstop
     The feeling is so uncontrollable
     Uncontrollable, uncontrollable, uncontrollable

     Whenever we are close you make me feel so shy
     You make my heart flutter like a butterfly
     Oh, oh, oh
     My heart beats fast, it's getting really hot
     Oh boy do you know what you're doing to me
     What you're doing to me

     You make my heart go boom boom boom
     You make my heart skip a beat
     You make me go crazy and wild
     Oh why would you do this to me
     My heart is uncontrollable around you

    Oh boy why would you do this to me
    Oh boy would would you do this to me

     Whenever we are close you make me feel shy
     You make my heart flutter like a butterfly
     Oh, oh, oh
     My heart beats fast, it's getting really hot
     Oh boy why would you do this to me
     What you're doing to me

     You make my heart go boom boom boom
     You make my heart skip a beat
     You make me go crazy and wild
     Oh why would you do this to me
     My heart is uncontrollable

     Oh boy why would you do this to me
     Oh boy why would you do this to me

     Oh, oh, oh

     You never fail to make me happy
     You never fail to make me smile
     You always are there for me when I need ya
     And you make my heart flutter
     Oh boy I need ya, I need ya, hey

    Oh boy why would you do this to me
    Oh boy would would you do this to me

   My heart is uncontrollable
One week later. . .

     (Y/N)'S POV:
I finally released my own album called "A Love Story" and I released the song called "Uncontrollable." Millions of people already heard the song on the radio and right now I am creating the music video. Rap Monster helped me with the song and music video a little bit, we did a collaboration and he was part of the song. Rap Monster and I went to a prairie full of green grass, beautiful flowers, blue skies, clouds, and hills. The camera man recorded us laying on the prairie, we talked, and had fun. At the end of the day we went back to the dorms.

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