Chapter 16-Confessions

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     I'd like to thank YoYoYoChilin for voting and commenting on my chapters. I really appreciate it and I am happy for over 100 reads! Thanks! :)
     (Y/N)'S POV:
I woke up with Yoongi cuddling me. I removed his arms from me and luckily he didn't wake up. I went to the bathroom to get ready and change to go to work. I woke up a little too early but I couldn't go back to sleep so oh well. I walked in the kitchen to see Jin making breakfast.

     "Good morning Jin."

     "Good morning (Y/N), why are you up so early?"

     "I just couldn't go back to sleep."

     "Oh ok."

     "Can I help you cook food?"


      While I was cooking meat I accidentally slipped and Jin caught me with fast reflexes. Our faces were inches away. I was surprised.

"Th-Thanks Jin." I said.

"No problem.

We continued cooking until ten minutes later we finished. We put the food on the table. Then all of the members gathered at the table to eat breakfast. Jimin was at the table. He looked sad, I don't know why but it couldn't be because of me. I ignored him and ate my food until I finished, then I put it in the sink.

I was at work writing lyrics but I couldn't think of anything to write. My notebook was empty.

"Hey do you need help?" A voice asked.

I turned around. It was Namjoon.

"Yes please." I said.

He sat down next to me and helped me write lyrics. He was really good and helped me a lot.

"By the way I heard what happened between you and Jimin. I'm very sorry." He said.

"Oh, i-it's fine."

He hugged me.

"Why would he break up with a girl like you? Any boy would be really lucky just to date you."

I blushed at that comment.

"If you need anything I'll always be there for you."

"Thank you."

"No problem." He said as he left the room.
I was hanging out with J-Hope. We were dancing to songs, we had a dance competition, and we played games. Taehyung joined us.

"I'm gonna beat you guys!" J-Hope said.

"No I will!" Taehyung said.

"No," I corrected. "I will."

In the end I won.

"Woo hoo I won! In yo face!"

Yoongi grumbled, "Can you guys be quiet? I'm trying to sleep here."

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