Chapter 18-Back To Normal

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     (Y/N)'S POV:
     I was at the dormitory with Yoongi alone. We were cuddling on the bed. As always, he wouldn't let go of me.

    "Yoongi! We already slept."

     "But I'm still tired."

     "Too bad, sleep yourself. Sleep with your other girlfriends that you have."

     "What girlfriends?"

     "All of the pillows you have around you right now."

     "Babe, you know that you're my only girlfriend and I only love you."

     He hugged me and kissed my cheek. I blushed. This was his first time calling me babe and kissing my cheek. We already ate breakfast so we went out to the living room to watch TV. He put an ice pack on my ankle.



"Do you know how happy I am?"

". . .No? You always look grumpy. No offense."

"I am even more happy because you're my girlfriend."

"You're so cheesy."

He pulled me in.

"I know." He whispered.

I pushed him away again.

"Hey what do you think you're doing?"

"Getting close to you and cuddling you. Duh."

We cuddled and watched the movie until we fell asleep.


"Wait in the room, I'll be back." Yoongi said.

"Ok, like I can do that." I said pointing at my sprained ankle.

Yoongi chuckled and left. I was laying on the bed. About fifteen minutes later I smelled a delicious aroma. I wonder what it is. Then Yoongi came in the room. He carried me out to the living room. I gasped. There was a table with two chairs. Everything was decorated, there was a rose in the middle of the table, and food on the table. Fancy.

"Do you like it? I made it just for you. I figured that since you couldn't walk we could just have our first date here." Yoongi said.

"Yes, I love it! Thank you." I said in amazement.

I hugged him, actually, I already am because he was carrying me bridal style. He put me down on the chair and we ate the food.

"This. Food. Is. Amazing," I said. "How did you cook this? I thought you were bad at cooking."

Yoongi scratched the back of his neck. "Well, Jin helped me."

"That explains it."

"Wow, you're very straight forward."

"Sorry, I'm just telling the truth."

"No it's fine, I like you that way." He said as he stared into my eyes.

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