Chapter 40- Safe

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(Y/N)'S POV:
Vernon smirked and kissed my neck.


He shut me up by kissing me. His arms wrapped around my waist and brought me closer to him. A couple tears fell down my eyes. Then the door opened to reveal Jimin. He was wearing different and unusual clothes.

"Chim Chim! You came!" I said in joy.

"Excuse me, but I do not talk in that kind of manner. Please talk to me more formal. I also don't recall having any memories of me ever talking to you until this very moment." He said.

He winked at me when Vernon wasn't looking and I just knew that I was getting out. I played along. He actually is a pretty good actor.

"Oh, I must have thought you were someone else. Sorry."

"Sir, there has been a group of people hacking our system and getting into our building." Jimin said sternly.

"Then what are you waiting for? Kill them." Vernon replied.

"But they want to see you first sir."

He sighed. "Why couldn't you ask Seungcheol? He's the leader isn't he?"

"He's currently not in the building right now so you are our second option."

"Fine, tell them to meet me in the lounge."

"Yes sir." Then Jimin left the room.

"(Y/N), I'm letting go of you but I'm locking you up in another room. If you run," He licked his lips. "Then you'll get some nice punishments."

I gulped and followed him. I went into a more luxurious room with neat furniture, an expensive king bed, and many other stuff.

"This is my room, so don't try anything."

I nodded my head in slight fear. He then locked the door from the outside somehow.

I'm stuck in another room.


But why his room?

I tracked down where (Y/N) is. I traced the call from an unknown person on (Y/N)'s phone. We also hacked into their systems and we got to see their buildings with their cameras. I was an expert at hacking ever since I was young as is never got caught in my life. I also persuaded the manager to let us take care of (Y/N).

This is what people with an IQ with 148 can do.

We sorted out the roles for everyone and the plan to rescue (Y/N). Jimin wanted to save (Y/N) so I let him be the one to do that.

(Y/N)'S POV:
The front door of Vernon's bedroom opened revealing Jimin. He gave me a smile.

"I'm rescuing you."

I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I missed you so much." I said.

"Me too jagiya. Let's hurry and go."

I nodded. We stopped hugging and I followed Jimin around the corridors. Smoke filled the hallway and I passed out.


I woke up feeling dizzy. I looked around to see myself laying on a bed in my room.

"Wh-What happened?

"Good morning jagiya." I heard a voice that was laying beside me.

I turned my head and gasped.

It was my dad.

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