Chapter 14-That Girl

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After we finished work Jimin and I decided to take a stroll. We talked about things and had fun. Everything went well until a girl suddenly ran up to him and hugged him.

"Jimin-Oppa! Jimin-Oppa! It's really you! I missed you so much babe!" The girl said with joy.

Wait, babe? Did she just call my boyfriend babe? I felt a pang of jealousy. Jimin looked awkward. I stared at those two. The girl glared at me.

"Who is that?" I asked.

"She's uh, a girl I met in high school. But we're not dating I promise." Jimin said trying to push the girl off.

"J-Jimin, how could you say that to me?" She said.

She started fake crying. Jimin comforted her.

"Can I tag along with you guys?" She asked.

Oh heck no. Jimin said yes. Are you freaking serious?!

"Oh, my name is Minya, what's yours?" She asked me with a fake smile.

"My name is (Y/N)." I said.

"What a lovely name!"

"Thanks, you too."

As we were walking, she blocked the way for me to not be able to talk to Jimin. She held his arm and she was really clingy. Jimin tried talking to me too but she would always interrupt and talk about something else. Jimin looked annoyed, I was too but I plastered my mouth with a fake smile.

"Excuse me Minya, but can you let go of my arm?" Jimin asked.

She still held onto his arm.

"No." She replied quickly.

"Look, Minya, I already have a girlfriend so can you let go."

She scoffed and crossed her arms. "Fine, but are you dating (Y/N)?"

"Yes." Jimin replied.

"Remember when we dated and we skipped class just to f*ck? You also would kiss me anywhere we go. You also-"

"First of all, that's not true, I'm still a virgin,(sorry if you guys don't want him to be) I only kissed you once on the cheek, and we only dated because-"

"How could you date another girl besides me? I loved you and still do." Minya said.

"You know what? It's getting late, we better go." Jimin said.

"Can we hang out more?" She asked.

"Um, I don't know."

"Please? I want to go to your dorm." She begged.

Jimin sighed. "Fine."

"Yay!" She squealed excitingly jumping up and down.

We went to our dormitory. All of the BTS members looked displeased to see her. They all met her in high school. They all went to the same high school when they were younger.(Not in real life though I think) None of them even bother to talk to Minya, she was sitting on the couch next to Jimin, she sat way too close that their legs touched. I watched them from a distanced and puffed madly.

     "Hey (Y/N), are you ok?" Rap Monster asked.

     "Y-Yes! Of course I am! Why would you ask?" I lied.

     "(Y/N), I know you're lying." He said.

     Of course, there was no way to trick him, he was a genius, he had an IQ over 140.

     I sighed. "It's Minya, she's stealing Jimin from me."

     "It's ok, I can tell that Jimin doesn't like her, none of us do."

     "Then why would he let her come here?" I ask.

     "He has some reasons, just trust him."

     "Ok, thanks for making me feel better." I said.

     He smiled. "No problem."

     I walked to Jimin and I's room and I rested on the bed thinking about stuff. Then the door opened, Jimin walked in. He sat on the bed next to me. I ignored him.

     "Look, (Y/N), you know that I love you and I would never ever replace you. Minya is just a girl I know from high school and I don't love her."

     "If you don't then why did you let her hang out with you and go to the dorm?"

     "I have some reasons, just trust me."

     "I felt lonely, I felt ignored."

     Jimin wrapped his arms around me from behind and his head was on the crook of my neck.

     "I'll make it up to you."

     He pushed me so I was laying in the bed and he was on top of me. He slowly kissed my neck bottom to top.

     "H-How about Minya?" I asked.

     "She left." Jimin replied.

     He continued kissing me until his lips reached mine. The kiss was long and sweet. He put his hands under my shirt and went up until Jin shouted, "Dinner is ready everyone!" Jimin sighed in frustration.

"We'll continue tonight." Jimin said.


We all went out of our rooms to eat dinner. Jin cooked rice with Korean beef, kimchi, and seaweed soup. Everyone wolfed down their food except for Jin and I. Jin had a towel on his lap, his legs were crossed, and he ate in a respectful manner. Taehyung made himself a long seaweed mustache.

"Taehyung! No playing with your food! That is disrespectful." Jin said.

"Yes mom. . ." Taehyung said in a bored tone.

After dinner I sat on the couch to watch TV. Namjoon joined me.

"Hey (Y/N), do you still want to have your own room or share a room with Jimin?" Namjoon asked.

"I'll share a room with Jimin." I replied.

"Ok, then I'll cancel it."

We started watching different shows and started cheering, yelling, and talking.

"Oh oh oh! That team is beating that team!" Namjoon shouted.

"Woo hoo! Yeah!" I shouted joining him.

After watching TV I got ready to go sleep. I later in the bed waiting for Jimin. He walked into the room with a smirk on his face.

"You know what time it is?" He said walking towards me.

I gulped. I scooted back on the bed until my back reached the wall. Jimin was now on the bed crawling towards me.

"C'mon, don't play shy around me." He whispered.

My cheeks were red. I think I have a blushing disorder or something.(sarcastic) Once he reached me he kissed my lips softly and slowly. I kissed back.

"(Y/N)! Jimin! We can hear you two making out! Quit it! We need to wake up early tomorrow for a meeting!" Jin said on the other side of the wall.

Jimin sighed in frustration. "Why does this keep happening to us?"

I shrugged. We went to bed, and of course I was in Jimin's arms sleeping peacefully.
1080 words
August 1, 2016

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