Chapter 19-Maid

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     (Y/N)'S POV:
     I still had to stay home and couldn't go to work even though I can walk, I couldn't run yet though because my ankle would hurt. My luggage was moved back to Jimin's room, but sometimes Yoongi still sleeps with me and uses me as a pillow which Jimin doesn't like. Today Jimin was taking care of me. I walked in Jimin's room finding Jimin there.

     "Hey Jagiya(girlfriend)." Jimin said gesturing me to sit next to him.

     I plopped on the bed right next to him.

     "Hi Jimin." I said.

     His lips formed into a smirk. Oh no.

     "So. . . Remember that bet?"

     I face palmed. "Oh no."

     "Oh yes. You're gonna be my maid."

     "But I thought I already did it."

     "But you did it to the whole BTS group, I want you to do it to me personally."

     I sighed in defeat. "Ok, fine."

     He handed me the maid outfit and I walked to the bathroom to go change. Once I came out, Jimin smirked and gestured me to come to him.

     "You look sexy (Y/N)."

     "Th-The skirt is too short."

     "I like that."

     "Sh-Shut up Jimin!"

     "Is that how a maid treats their master?"

     "No, master." I emphasized.

     "Good, can you massage my shoulders please?"

     "Yes master."

     This was getting a bit annoying. I shouldn't have agreed for this bet. He turned his back towards me and I massaged his shoulders. After that he told me to get his album in his box. I looked in the closet and bent down. Once I found it I turned my head around catching Jimin staring at my butt. I blushed and I pulled the skirt down.


     "It's not my fault you're underwear is showing."

     "Well it's your fault for choosing the outfit."

     "Ok, ok, bring me the album."

     I handed it to him. He put it on the table. I raised an eyebrow and stared at him confusingly.

     "I only told you to get the album so I could stare at your butt."

     I blushed. "Y-Y-You-"

     He pushed me onto the bed and hovered over me. I stared at him shocked. His lips touched my neck and went up and down. His hand went up under my shirt. He took my shirt and pants off. He kissed my body top to bottom. He then put me in a position where I was sitting in between his legs and my back was leaning against his chest. He continued kissing my neck.

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