Chapter 30-First Time

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(Y/N)'S POV:
Jimin and I were in bed doing my First Time. It was pleasant. I enjoyed the feeling of it. It brought me happiness and it was the best night ever.

First Time was a very rare and old book written by a very old person that passed away centuries ago. It was rare because they were hard to find and they were very expensive. It was a great story.

We read the book and it was just amazing. It gave me tingles.

"Then he rushed in and saved her-" Jimin stopped reading the book as he felt something rest on his shoulder.

Of course it was (Y/N) falling asleep.

Jimin smiled and put her in bed.
I smiled and wrapped the blanket around (Y/N). I continued reading the book myself and it made me very happy.

I couldn't believe (Y/N) gave me a gift! I thought she forgotten all along.

Then I had an epiphany . . .

She didn't get my valentines gift.

How stupid can I be?

I guess I'll give her the gift in the morning. I have a very good idea.
(Y/N)'S POV:
I woke up blinded by the sun. I hugged Jimin and he felt extra warm and hot. I opened my eyes to see him half naked. Damn his muscles though . . . Then I looked at myself to notice that I'm only wearing a bra and an underwear.

Ok . . .

What the f***?!

Jimin sat up on the bed right next to me and said, "Oh, hey babe. Last night was the best night of my life."

He winked at me.

I felt my face flush. My eyes widened. What the f*** no this can't be happening I can't remember! Was I drunk? I couldn't have just forgotten so easily.

"I didn't think you'd be so good in bed." Jimin said.

"I-I-uh, what the f*** Jimin we couldn't have had sex last night!"

His smirk grew wider.

"Oh, but we did. You gave your first time to me. Don't you remember moaning and saying ah, Jimin, go faster daddy?"

My cheeks were probably really red right now.

"I can not imagine that ever happening. What happened?"

"Well I put you on a horny drug and you got horny and f***ed me last night then you fell asleep quickly while I read a book."

I hit his arm.

"What the f*** Jimin stop playing with me!"

He pulled my chin up towards his face.

"Oh, but I'm not. Why do you think we're naked? Why do you think you forgot about it last night? Why do you think you're really exhausted and sore?"

My eyes widen again. Is that really true? What? How? I can't believe this. I wouldn't do such things to him.

Jimin then laughed.

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