Chapter 38-Fake

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Jimin covered my eyes with his hands and led me towards something.

"Don't look . . . "


He then removed his hands from my eyes.

"Oh . . . My . . . Gosh."

I couldn't believe it.


(Y/N)'S POV:
I saw a girl on the couch retrieving her clothes on the sofa. And yes, she has new clothes on.

"Hey Jiminie, I had fun last night." She winked at him.

Jimin looked uncomfortable.

I was hurt. Very hurt. Why would he do this to me?

"You never wanted sex with me so I went to have sex with this girl behind your back, I'm sorry." He said with regret in his voice.

Tears started forming in my eyes. I blinked them away.

The girl put on her clothes and left.

"S-So this was what you wanted to show me?"

Jimin nodded his head.

"Y-You, you're such a jerk! You can't even keep your d*ck in your pants!"

"I'm sorry, I'll stop."

"No Jimin, this is over! Over! I'm done."

I didn't get to get one last look at his face. I went back to my room and sobbed quietly. I stuffed my face into my pillow. I made the pillow wet.

"(Y/N) . . . " A voice said.

It was Suga. And he was still on my bed.

Suga held me into his arms and let me cry into his shirt.

"It's alright, I'm here for you."

How can (Y/N) not see that she should not date that jamless kid? She should date a person with more swaeg.

But anyways I held her into my arms. She's the most swaegiest pillow I've ever had and I comforted her. I could fall asleep very fast with her here. I mean I can sleep fast, but with her I sleep faster. Damn Jimin, what mess have you gotten into?

(Y/N)'S POV:
I laid comfortably in Suga's arms and let his warmth consume me while I slowly stop crying. I snuggled with him as if he was my only pillow and I was glad to have Suga surprisingly comfort me. He was there for me when I had problems. Well, at least he started to show care.


I woke up in the morning to see that the bed was empty and that it was only me. I realized I slept the whole day. It's probably because the other days I had two hours of sleep. I got ready in the bathroom and came out to eat breakfast.

I helped Jin make breakfast and ate (F/F). Jin told me that today was an even worse weather and earthquakes so we had another day off. Wow, we are starting to get more days off miraculously. We used to have two or three days off a year but look at us right now. I guess our hard work has really paid off and they let us have more days off.

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