Chapter 2-Decisions

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(Y/N)'S POV:
I felt something warm, soft, and comfortable. I wonder what it is. I was too lazy to open my eyes so I let my hands wander and I cuddled it. Is that a pillow? Then I heard a moan. What the heck? I quickly open my eyes once I heard the moan and I found myself cuddling with Jimin. Jimin started waking up, when we made eye contact, we both stayed like that for a few seconds, we both blushed, then we quickly separate looking away from each other.

"I'm sorry, when I woke up I just found myself cuddling with you." I said being embarrassed.

"Oh, uh, it's ok," Jimin said. "It was an accident, not a big deal."

After we finished getting ready, we all got breakfast, then suddenly out of nowhere, Rap Monster said, "Who wants to go swimming after this since we're on our break?"

     "Me!" Everyone shouted.

"I can't wait to see you in your bikini." Rap Monster said smirking at me.

I blushed again and of course, Jin slapped him lightly.

We all went to a private pool, people stood outside the gates taking pictures of us swimming. Most girls said "I LOVE YOU JIMIN!!!" I wore a turquoise bikini and I stretched before I went swimming. Rap Monster looked at me from top to bottom and said, "Damn (Y/N)! You got nice curves, nice body, and really big boo-" Then there comes the part when Jin slaps him.

"Thanks for slapping him." I said.

"No problem." Jin said giving me a warm smile.

"Hey! You guys know that I'm right here right?" Rap Monster said.

We laughed at him while he pouted. I feel kind of disturbed having Rap Monster being a pervert around me but I'm gonna have to get used to it and Rap Monster is probably joking around. Suddenly, Jimin picked me up in bridal style and threw me in the pool. You wanna mess around with me? Nobody messes with me. I waited in the water until Jimin came closer, when he got closer I quickly jumped up and pulled him in the pool. We all laughed. Everyone came into the pool and we splashed water at each other. It took awhile to make Suga go swimming with us, he said he only wanted to go swim to rest and tan, V suddenly lift me in his arms and swung me around in the pool.

"V! Let me down! I am gonna kill you!" I said moving my arms around.

He finally put me down. "I am gonna get you!"

V swam away while I chased him. Once I reached him I jumped on his back and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I'm never letting go!" I said holding onto him tightly.

"Good." V said having a smirk on his face.

I have a bad feeling about this. "Uh oh."

V swam really fast that water went into my eyes.

    "AHHH!!! LET ME GO!!!"

     He finally put me down and I sighed in relief. Then we had a contest, everyone had to pick a partner, one person had to piggy-back ride the other one and we had to see who was the fastest. I was paired with Rap Monster.

     "Ready, set, GOOOOOO!!!!!"

     At the end of the competition, Rap Monster and I won. We high-fived each other. Jimin was so happy today, I love seeing Jimin smile and seeing his dimples, to be honest he is so cute, hot, and sexy at the same time. Wait, cute, hot, and sexy? Stop it (Y/N). We all got out of the water, that's when I realize, I didn't bring a towel. I began to panic.

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