Chapter 5-Late Night Games

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(Y/N)'S POV:
     Jimin made me food to eat while I was in bed. I mean like, it's just a headache and it's not that bad right? Well I had a lot of drinks yesterday though on accident.

Jimin held the bowl and spoon. "Say ahh."

I crossed my arms. "It's ok I can feed myself."

"No, I'm gonna feed you since you have a bad headache."

There was no way I could argue with him so I let him feed me. After he fed me we watched a movie on a TV and ate popcorn.

"No! No! Why? Why would you cheat on her?!" I said talking to the TV.

Jimin laughed at me. After watching the movie on the couch, I leaned my head on to Jimin's shoulder and fell asleep.

After the movie was over I found (Y/N) leaning her head on my shoulder sleeping. She looked so graceful and beautiful. I know that I have thought that many times in my head, but it's true. I carried her in bridal style to my room and laid her on the bed.

----------Night Time----------

(Y/N)'S POV:
It was 10:00 pm and BTS decided to have a sleepover in one room. We decided to play Truth and Dare with a bottle. I have a bad feeling about this. Jungkook got to spin the bottle and it landed on me. Oh shoot.

"(Y/N), truth or dare?" Jungkook asked me.

"Dare." I said confidently.

"I dare you to sit on someone's lap." Jungkook said.

I looked around the room nervously. All of their eyes were on me. Jimin gestured me to come sit on his lap so I did, I blushed slightly.

Jimin whispered in my ears, "You look cute when you blush."

His comment made me blush even more. I spun the next bottle and it landed on J-Hope.

"Truth or Dare?" I asked.

"Dare." J-Hope said.

"I dare you to go out in public where fans will surround you and shout "I LOVE THE COLOR PINK, I LOVE UNICORNS, I BELIEVE THAT UNICORNS ROAM EARTH, I LOVE TO TWERK, I WATCH MILEY CYRUS, AND I AM SOOOO GAY!!!"

J-Hope walked out in public and screamed it out really loud, everyone laughed very hard and I was rolling my butt on the ground, I had to record it. Then Jimin was dared to kiss someone from left to right or someone close and he kissed my cheek. I felt kind of awkward after that and I blushed like crazy. Next Jin was dared to eat a whole lemon. After that Suga was dared to TWERK for a minute, everyone recorded this. While Suga was twerking, he made a derp face which made it even funnier.(You should look up Suga's derp face online)

It was my turn again and guess what? I was dared to do Seven Minutes of Heaven with Jimin, they said that we had to give each other hickeys, oh great. We both walked into the small-spaced closet and we squeezed in there. Our chests were pressed against each other, my head was rested under his head, and I felt his breath against mine. I was sweating, my cheeks were bright red, and my heart was beating fast.

Jimin smirked. "I can hear your heart beating. You seriously look so cute when you blush (Y/N)."

     I avoided his eye contact and looked down at the floor. He brought my chin up with his hand. Our lips were just a few inches apart, I stared at his pink lips. His smirk grew wider and he kissed my lips, at first I flinched, but then I kissed him back, our lips were in sync and it was like it was made perfectly for each other. His lips felt soft, warm, and nice. After that his lips slid down to my neck and he kissed it, the next thing you know, I had a hickey, then the door opened.

"Okay! Time's up! It's been seven minutes!" J-Hope said.

When he saw us I blushed. I walked out and they checked for a hickey, once they found it a lot of members weren't happy for some reason and some were making fun of us. Suga looked a little more grumpy, Rap Monster was silent but looked slightly irritated, J-Hope and V made fun of us, Jin was disappointed because he said that is not how to find love and it is forcing, and Jungkook didn't care.

     After the Truth or Dare game, we played spin the bottle. They made up the rules: if a male has to kiss another male, then they can kiss on the cheek, and if it was a male and a female kissing, then they have to kiss with their lips. It wasn't really fair since I was the only female and the rest were males, but I agreed to play anyway which is kind of stupid. I wanted to stop kissing many lips in a day, I mean like, that's disgusting! J-Hope had to kiss Jungkook, Jungkook had to kiss V, V had to kiss Jin, and so on. Then finally a bottle landed on me, I had to kiss Rap Monster. I blushed as he walked up to me. He had a smirk on his face. He slithered his arms around my waist and pulled me in, our faces were just a few inches apart. I watched as his lips got closer to mine then we kissed for a few seconds.

After a few rounds of the game, I had to kiss Suga. His face looked calm and he still looked tired. He smirked. wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me fiercely and passionately. I felt really uncomfortable after that, I can't honestly start growing feelings for more than one person can I? I got ready to go to sleep, we all decided to sleep in the same room which is the living room. I slept inbetween Rap Monster and Suga. I replayed the events that happened today, I can't believe I kissed them! Why did I even agree to play?

Such a weird day.
Finished writing: July 10, 2016
1043 words
Published: July 10, 2016

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