Chapter 22-The Idol Show Part 2

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The host announced that we would play a lying detector game. There was a machine that would detect if we lied and if we did we would get dared to do something, and if we told the truth then we would get a small prize. I was nervous and excited at the same time.
They called Namjoon up. He sat on a seat.

"So, Namjoon. Have you been watching porn online again?" The host asked.

"Uh, no sir." Namjoon hesitated.

The lying detector said that he was lying. We all laughed while Namjoon looked embarrassed.

"Well, since you lied, you'll have to do something. . ." He picked a card out of a jar then read it,"You will spread jams on the person closest to you."

Namjoon slowly turned to his left to see Jimin and he gulped.

     "Please no. . . Please don't make me do it. . .no, no, no, no, no. OH GOD NO." Namjoon said.

     Jimin smirked. It took a lot of convincing to make Rap Monster do it, but it was finally done. After he finished, he was in the state of horror. Then they called Jin up.

"Jin, would you rather pick pink and Mario or Bangtan? You have to pick only one."

". . . Bangtan." Jin replied.

The lying detector said he was lying. Once again we all laughed.

     "Since you lied you have to. . .  Just kidding you told the truth." The host said. "So you get a new pack of Mario discs."

     Jin sighed in relieve and received his prize. They called Taehyung up.

"Have you ever flirted with a ladybug or tried to become one?"

     "Yes. I've done both before," Taehyung said casually. "Why?"

      The host looked at him like he was crazy. "Oh, uh, never mind. You receive a bag of candy!"

     Taehyung smiled. "Thanks!"

     They then called up J-Hope.

"J-H-Hoe, uh, ah I mean hope. Who is your favorite member in BTS?"

     "Hm. . . I'd have to say all of them!" J-Hope said, earning lots of ARMYS' love.

     "And that is. . . True! Congrats! You receive a free gift card!"

     J-Hope took it happily. Suga came up next.

     "Suga. Are you actually being yourself on camera or are you just faking?"

     "I'd like to say. . .faking, because I always seem tired and grumpy, but I can actually be outgoing at times. It's just that the camera records at the wrong time when I'm usually tired." Suga said.

     "You speak the truth! Here! You get another free pillow! Just make sure not to cheat on your other one!"

Laughter filled the room once again.

"And. . . Jimin! Come up! So, what is your ideal type?"

"Hm. . . I like a girl with a good personality, that is always happy, has a beautiful smile, always make me happy, is cute, and a lot more stuff I can list."

"Is there a visual of what you want her to look like?" The host asked.

"I visual her to have beautiful (E/C) eyes, silky (H/C) (H/L) hair, and cute dimples!"

"Hm, it seems like you're explaining (Y/N), isn't that fishy? The lying detector says you are saying the truth! You can go get free money!"

"Jungkook! Ah, this question is funny. . . When was your first time?"

Jungkook gulped. "Wh-What do you mean by 'first time'?"

"What I mean is, when was your first kiss?"

"Um. . . When I was 15 years old a cute girl kissed me."

     "Ok, you get free lamb skewers! The last person is. . . (Y/N)! (Y/N), who is your least favorite member?"

     "I don't have one because I like them all."

     "Congratulations! You are awarded with Big Bang concert tickets!"

     My eyes were wide open. "W-Wait, what?"

     "You heard me, free Big Bang tickets! For all 8 of you! Unless you want to bring someone else."

Most of the Bangtan Boys were pleading me not to give the tickets to someone else besides them because they really wanted to go, so I agreed, but only if they did something else for me, but I'm not telling them yet until we get home.

After the show we rested at our place and we all yawned exhaustedly. Jin cooked us food like always and we ate dinner. After that they were talking about how excited they were to see Big Bang while I was just doing nothing.

     Then Jimin seated me on his lap and hugged my waist, having my back pressed against his chest.(aka abs)

     "Hi (Y/N),what is my cute jagiya(girlfriend) doing here all alone?" Jimin said.

     ". . . No comment."

     "Did you miss me?"

     "No, why would I?" I said.

     Jimin smirked. "So you're playing hard to get, huh?"

     "Maybe. . . Or maybe not. . ."

     He put his hand under my chin and pulled my face to face him, and tried kissing my lips but I moved my face so instead he kissed my cheeks. He pouted cutely which made my heart throb.

     "Jagiya, why are you being mean? I wanna give you a kiss." Jimin whined.

     I smiled and gave him a small peck. Once our lips parted, he kissed me back longer and wouldn't let go of my lips.

    "I'm not letting my jagiya's lips get away so easily, now am I?"

     I smiled shyly and had a small tint of pink on my cheeks.

     "Ok guys, it's time to go to sleep." Jin said to the rest of us.

     We all walked to our rooms to sleep in. Jimin winked at me and I just ignored it. Yes, I'm playing hard to get, then I got ready to go to bed. When I got onto the bed, I saw lust in the corner of Jimin's eyes. Jimin hovered on top of me and kissed my head, my cheeks, my mouth, which I didn't respond back to, and my neck. I couldn't help but moan because it felt so good. He then kissed me again.

     "You know you can't play hard to get when I kiss you jagiya. You can't resist it." Jimin whispered in my ears in a sexy voice.

     And he was right. A few seconds after he kissed me, I kissed him back. He won the game this time, but not the next. I'll make sure of that.
Words: 1051
Published: 1/4/17

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