Chapter 25-No, Yes, Maybe

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G-Dragon and I made a song for his album named "No, Yes, Maybe," it was a song about a guy asking a girl out and she can't decide. Sometimes she wants to, sometimes she doesn't, and sometimes both: maybe.

The song was very interesting. We performed the song on stages for the audience.

I came home and I was very exhausted. After dinner, showering, and cleaning my teeth, I dropped on the bed.

The door opened, it was Jimin.

"Hi (Y/N)." He said in a different tone.

It was a tone Jimin has never used before. What's going on?

"H-Hi Jimin." I said nervously.

He walked towards me and pinned me against the wall while I was on the bed.

His eyes were full of lust, so that was what that tone of voice was for, it was for lust.

I gulped.

He smirked and kissed me while snaking his arms around my body.
I was trapped in the corner and he suddenly took my clothes off and threw it on the floor.

I covered my bra embarrassingly while blushing.

"Why are you covering your bra?"

"B-Because I'm too embarrassed."

"Don't be, it's fine for me to see. You know I won't judge. Wanna give it a try?"

"No, yes, maybe . . ."

I sighed and let go of my hands to let him see. His smirk grew wider and he licked his lips.

I was scared and nervous of what will happen.

He started kissing my neck leaving love bites. His lips went further down my body close to my chest. I squirmed and covered my bra.

"What's wrong (Y/N)? That look is really turning me on right now."

"I-I'm scared."

"Don't be scared."


He then kissed my chest. I moaned a bit then I pushed him off of me.

"We-We're taking this too far. I can't handle this. We also haven't known each other that long."

"I'm sorry Jagiya, you should've told me earlier. But can you at least sleep in a bra and underwear with me?" He pouted cutely.

He pulled me onto the bed and cuddled me.

"J-J-Jimin . . ."


I stayed still silently and motionless for a while, then I fell asleep after while.

I opened my eyes.

I woke up to see Jimin cuddling with me. And his head was rested on my chest. I blushed. I tried getting him of me but he wouldn't let go. He then woke up and cuddled me more without realizing it was me. He opened his eyes to see my chest and backed up away from me. Once he realized it was me. He smirked at me.

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