Chapter 34-Tour

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(Y/N)'S POV:
We were all sitting in the airplane getting ready to travel around different areas to perform. We would travel around Europe and meet new people. How exciting. We sat in the plane and talked among ourselves, except for Suga, he was asleep.

"Hey (Y/N), remember the last time we were on the plane?" Jimin asked.

"Yeah, I remember."

"Good times." He replied.

After we got off the plane, we went into a fancy hotel and put our bags in the room.

"We have about an hour to rest." Rap Monster said.

We split into two rooms. J-Hope, V, Jimin, and I were in a room, and Rap Monster, Jin, Jungkook, and Suga were in the other room. Individual rooms had two queen-sized bed, a bathroom, a small refrigerator, a balcony that had a nice view of the area, a desk, chairs, and a flat screen TV.

I laid down on bed tiredly and yawned. Jimin joined me and laid down on the opposite side of me.

"I'm so tired." I said.

"Me too." Jimin said.

"Well not us!" V yelled.

J-Hope and V jumped on the bed and did crazy things that no moral could ever do. I think they're high.

Or drunk.

Or they have ADD.

Or that's their personality.

Or they aren't humans.

Or they are immortals.

Or it's just the way they are.

Or I'm just thinking too much and my mind should shut up and sleep.

Then Jimin and I fell asleep.


"Wake up (Y/N) and Jimin!"

I opened my eyes wearily to make contact with cold water covering my entire body. The cold water hit my skin making my goosebumps rise and I instantly shivered. J-Hope and V rolled on the floor laughing their butts off.

That sucks, because I wanted to be the one to rip their butts out.

Jimin and I chased them around throwing random objects at them. I went through my bag and threw a pink underwear at J-Hope and he laughed. Jimin took the underwear instead and held it.

That perv.

Well it's my fault in the first place since I threw that underwear which is a stupid idea.

I jumped onto V and we both fell to the floor. Now I sat on top of him and smiled evilly.

"Why, hello there, V. It's nice seeing you." I said.

"U-Uh, please don't hurt me."

"Oh don't worry, I won't do such things. I'll only get your stuffed toy and rip it apart and throw it off the balcony."

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