Chapter 39-Stalker

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(Y/N)'S POV:
After the concert, we got our stuff.

I got a text message.

Unknown: Hello (Y/N), I found you.

Unknown: I'm right behind you.

Oh no, not my stalker.

Before I could turn around, I blacked out.


I woke up to have my arms and legs chained up and I was on a bed. I was in a unfamiliar bedroom that was merely empty. All there was in the room is a small wooden chair and a wooden table with furniture. I heard someone come into the room. The person wore a mask that covered the face. All I could say is that the figure is masculine.

"Hello (Y/N)~" He said playfully.

That voice is familiar . . .

"Where am I?! And who are you?!"

"Calm down baby girl, I won't hurt you, unless you try to do something and escape."

"Show me your face!"

He walked towards me and my back hit the bed frame. He then lifted up my chin.

"I'm afraid I can't reveal my identity just yet. Let's play a game first."

I had a bad feeling about this. I didn't respond. I felt very uneasy and scared.

"Well, since you don't want to talk I'll just say it; do you know anyone that bullied you in school at all?"


"What's the name of that bully?"


"Good. Do you want to see him?"

"Are you Vernon?"

I could see him smirking through the mask and there was a glint of amusement in his eyes.


I was surprised.

"What? B-But . . . "

"Let me ask you another question. Who was your good friend that was your high school crush?"

"Ch-Choi Seungcheol . . . "

"And what happened to him?"

"H-He left high school without telling me why and all he said was that he had to go."

I was heartbroken at that moment.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"Wait, are you . . . "

He removed his mask.

No way . . .

I-It's really him . . .



Author: Haha just kidding her kidnapper wasn't her dad lol. Let's start over.

I-It's really him . . .


"S-Seungcheol . . . Why would you do this? Who are you?"

He shrugged. "People can change, but you don't even know my personality yet how are you suppose to know if I'm the same?"

"I can just feel it."

"Well now that I showed my identity, I can explain why I kidnapped you. When you joined BTS and became famous, I recognized you. I knew who you were. I didn't get to explain why because my parents told me the last second. We had to move because we were poor and needed money so I couldn't use my phone and I had to sell it for money. I watched all of the Bangtan videos of the videos that only had you. Now my parents have decent amount of money and I got a new job and finally got enough money to get a phone. I found a slip of your phone number just in case I forgot. So there, I explained it."

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