Chapter 35-The End of the Book

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Author: Well, I guess this is it. The end of the book. I had fun writing this book and letting you go on a huge adventure.

(Y/N): Dang it! But I didn't even do anything with Jimin yet!

Jimin: Yeah, we could've done more stuff, if you know what I mean. *winks at (Y/N)*

Author:   ._____________.

Jimin: ._______________.

(Y/N): ._____________.

Author: Well, then just f*** right now in this chapter. *says casually*

Jimin: *eye rapes (Y/N)*

(Y/N): . . .

Author: *pushes Jimin and (Y/N) on a bed that randomly appears out of nowhere*

(Y/N): ?

Jimin: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Author: *sits in between them*

Jimin: *frowns*

Author: Ah, I love being the third wheeler.

Jimin: Well I don't want you here.

Author: Ouch. *gets off the bed* Eh, I never liked Jimin anyways. *goes to the corner of the room and sobs*

(Y/N): Let's do it.



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Jimin:  -_-

Author: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Jimin: Let's do it. *licks lips*


Jimin: Really? You already said that

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Jimin: Really? You already said that.

Author: HEE HEE I know.

Jimin: So, are you ready?

(Y/N): Yep. *pulls out the book called "First Time" and reads it out loud*


Author: Yay! You finally finished reading the end of the book!

(Y/N): Yay.

Jimin: Yay, so (Y/N), wanna do it?

Author: No, no, it's too soon. In the next chapter you guys should do it. It's just the perfect timing. And ha! It's not the end of this book! It's only the end for "The First Time."

Jimin: Ok.

(Y/N): When did I ever ask for this?

Author: You never did.

Author: You never did

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(Y/N):    .-.

Author: *kicks Jimin to the door that leads to Chapter 36*

(Y/N): *walks to chapter 36*

Author: *stops (Y/N) from walking to chapter 36* No, you stay here until I finish writing chapter 36.

(Y/N): *insert your reaction here*

(Y/N): Why does Jimin get to go but not me?

Author: Because he's like, part of the chapter? Idk. *shrugs*

(Y/N): But I'm part of the chapter too!

Author: Shh, it's ok sweetheart. You'll be with Jimin soon. *pats (Y/N)'s head*

Author: Well good bye for now

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Author: Well good bye for now. FOR NOW.

┬┴┬┴┤ ͜ʖ ͡°)  <I'm watching you. Look
behind you, I'm right there. If not, then I'm on the ceiling.

Also, I'm not racist. I just noticed that the last 2 pics are black people, but there's also another race(in JUST DO IT) so it's not racist.

Published: 6/24/17
Words: 416

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