Chapter 1-A New Member

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Just in case you don't know, I'll put this here:
(Y/N)=Your Name
(F/N)=First Name
(L/N)=Last Name
    (F/C)=Favorite Color
(H/C)=Hair Color
(H/L)=Hair Length
(E/C)=Eye Color
    (S/C)=Skin Color
(A/N)=Author's Note

In the story pretend that you are talking fluent Korean, you can also speak fluent English.

(Y/N)'S POV:
I was so excited when they accepted me as a new idol and they said they were putting me in another group. I love to sing, dance, and I like being on stage because it just feels right, it gives me happiness, and it is my passion. They told me to pack up to move to another area in Seoul to meet the group. Since there was no more groups for me to join, I had to join a boy band, but if it doesn't work out then I'll have to join a girl group. I was at the airport getting ready to leave, not only was I happy and excited, but I was also sad. I hugged my best friend(s), and my family, I would miss them very much but I will never forget them. I cried out of the tears of sadness and happiness. We parted ways and I went onto the airplane.

"Hey guys! I heard that there is gonna be another member joining our group and we'll see her later today." Rap Monster announced to everyone.

"Is it legal for a girl to be in a boy band?" Jin asked.

"I don't know, it should be legal because girl and boy idols can collaborate and create songs together." Rap Monster replied.

"So she's gonna live with us?" Jungkook asked.

"Yeah." Rap Monster said.

"I can't wait to meet her!" J-Hope said.

"Yeah!" V agreed.

Suga was laying on the sofa processing what they had just said, he didn't say anything.

I wonder what she'll be like.

(Y/N)'S POV:
After eight hours of staying on the airplane, I got off and took the taxi to find the address. Ten minutes later I got there and payed money to the driver. I got into the building and I slowly walked up to the dormitory door. I took a deep breath. It'll be ok (Y/N), you can do this. I can't believe that I am gonna become an idol. I built up my confidence and I knocked on the door. A few seconds later the door opened and I saw seven guys staring at me.

"Are you (Y/N)?" The man with a low voice asked.

I nod my head. "Yes."

"Please, come in."

I walked inside the dormitory and I felt a rush of coolness right through me, it was hot outside. After the introduction, J-Hope eyed me from head to toe and said giving me a sweet smile, "She looks pretty cute." I blushed a light shade of red.

"We only have seven beds so you'll have to sleep with Jimin for now until we get another bed and your own room, sorry about this." Rap Monster said.

"Wait what?! You never discussed this with us!" Jimin said slightly blushing.

"Well I picked you because I trust you to take care of (Y/N) if you know what I mean." Rap Monster said.

"Ooh, are you shy because you've never slept with a girl before?" J-Hope said elbowing and teasing him.

The boys laughed.

"Sh-Shut up!" Jimin said angrily.

I was shocked and my eyes grew big once I progressed what he just had said. I'm sleeping with a guy on the same bed?!

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