Chapter 7-First Date

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     (Y/N)'S POV:
     Ten days later my arms healed, it left a tiny scar but I'm fine with it. Jimin and I announced to the BTS members that we were dating because we knew that they would find out sooner or later. The BTS members promised not to tell anyone. Suga and Rap Monster confessed that they had a small crush on me, Suga said its fine since it's just a small one he'll try to get over it, and Rap Monster said if I'm happy then he's happy, but he said if I'm single again then I should go out with him. They're the best, I can't believe there are no conflicts between us.

     It was 6 o' clock, I looked in the mirror as I wore an elegantly, shiny (F/C) dress. It sparkled in the light and it stood out. I put light makeup on and I head in the living room waiting for Jimin. There he stood, there were gel on his hair, and he wore a fancy suit and tie. He smirked when he saw me. We both had to put on fancy masks which sucks, but we couldn't be seen in public.

     "You look very beautiful (Y/N), as always."

     "Stop it, you're so cheesy." I said playfully.

     "But it's true, everything I say about you is true." Jimin replied.

     He kissed my cheek softly and I blushed. We head outside into a limousine. The fancy restaurant we were going to has a special event today called "fancy mask day" where you wear a fancy mask in the restaurant, so that's why we went there. When we arrived to the restaurant Jimin opened the door for me.

     "Such a gentlemen." I said giggling.

     "Anything for ma lady." He said in a funny accent.

     I laughed. He pulled out the chair for me and I sat on it. I ordered (Pick fancy food) and (drink). We chat the whole time, we smiled, shared laughs and most importantly, we had fun.

     "Excuse me, I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be right back." Jimin said.

     "Ok." I replied.

     Suddenly the lights turned off, a light shined on a man playing a piano in the middle of the restaurant. The man was Jimin, I smiled. So he had a surprise for me this whole time.

     There's this one girl
     She stands out
Her beauty is too strong
     She attracts every single man
     And she is different than all of the other girls

     Let me explain, she makes my heart go wild
     She is my world and I really need her
     All I want is you baby girl
     All I need is you

     I would do anything just to have you
     I'd do anything just to be with you
     You have no idea how much you mean to me, yeah

     She is my angel, my heart, my world
     She ain't like no other, she has a pure-good heart
     The way that she moves just makes me go insane

     Oh baby I need you, you are mine

     There were more lyrics in the song, I couldn't help but cry, I cried in the tears of happiness, I cried in the tears of joy. Tears strolled down my cheeks, he danced, played the piano, and handed me a rose. He wiped my tears with his finger. Everyone clapped.

     "You have no idea how much you mean to me." He whispered in my ears.

      "I love you." I said.

     "I love you more."

     He took off our masks quickly and pulled me in closer and kissed my lips. I didn't think about us kissing in a restaurant full of people. In fact I didn't care, all I cared was about us right now. We withdrew our lips. Jimin payed the bills and we took a stroll outside. We sat on a bench.

"(Y/N), I have something for you." Jimin said.

He pulled a beautiful necklace. It was made out of silver gold and in the middle was a shiny blue sapphire. He placed it around my neck. I hugged him.

"Thank you so much! You didn't have to spend a lot of money on me! I feel guilty." I said.

"I'd do anything for you and don't feel guilty."

After we talked we went back to the dormitory. We removed our masks and Jimin walked to his room.

"(Y/N)! You're here!" V said and hugged me.

Then he noticed my necklace.

"Oh, is that the necklace that Jimin got you? It's pretty." V said.




"I believe that unicorns roam this land and that I can fly."

I laughed at him. "S-Seriously? That was so random."

Jungkook joined us. He acted less shy around me and now we were closer.

"Oh yeah? Well I believe that one day cats will take over the world and rule us." Jungkook said.

We all laughed, then J-Hope joined.

"Well y'all know what? Y'all are Psychos and y'all are crazy mad and insane." J-Hope said.

"It's not like you're not." I replied.

"BURN!!!" They said.

"You just got wrecked by a girl!" Jungkook said.

"Yo what's going on here?" Rap Monster said joining us.

"What's with this commotion?" He asked curiously.

"J-Hope just got recked by (Y/N)!" V said.

"Guys it's not a big deal." I said brushing it off.

Soon all of us chatted and laughed our butts off, even Suga! He was in a brighter mood today so he joined us. After that I got into bed with Jimin. Jimin pulled me closer to him and cuddled with me. I rested my head on his chest. Red was spread on my face since I wasn't used to this. Jimin gave me a peck on my lips.

"Good night (Y/N)."

"Good night Jimin."
Please don't skip. Hi guys! I might not update much because while I was at Wet N Wild(water park) yesterday I tripped, rolled my ankle, and I sprained it pretty badly. My foot got really bloody and a huge fat bruise.(sorry if I disgusted you) Anyway, my foot will heal in about a month and I might've broken a bone, idk yet but I'm fine! Bye!

1040 words
Published: July 13, 2016

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