Chapter 17-Sprained Ankle

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     (Y/N)'S POV:
     We were getting ready for a performance, makeup was being put on my face. I was tired from not getting enough sleep. I slept pretty late. I thanked the makeup artist. Ten minutes later we were on the stage dancing to the music and singing. I started growing drowsy and slipped. I rolled my ankle and sprained it. I couldn't move. Small tears escaped my eyes. I was being carried to the back of the stage. The performance had to be cancelled because of me. I felt guilty. I sat on the chair. A person checked on my foot, he touched many places on my foot to see which area hurts the most.

     "Does it hurt here?"


     "How about here?"



     I groaned in pain.

     "Ok, it seems that you don't have a broken bone which is good, but you sprained it pretty badly so you'll have to stay at your dorm for about three weeks. You'll have to put pressure on your foot in a couple days pressure by pressure one at a time so your foot will heal quicker, it also makes your blood spread out more gets rid of your bruises. Bruises are blood under your skin that are clogged together. So if you do not know how to walk just a little by the end of this week, I recommend going to see the doctor."

     "Ok, thank you."

     He nodded and put an ice pack on my ankle, then left. The boys came in to see me.

     "I'm so sorry guys. I didn't mean to ruin the performance."

     "It's fine, as long as you're ok."

They all said sweet things to me and made me feel better, except for Jimin, he didn't say anything.

"Thanks guys, you guys made me feel better."

They had no crutches or wheel chairs so I had to wrap my arm around Namjoon's neck an hop on one foot. I fell and Namjoon caught me.

"You know what? I'm just gonna carry you."

He carried me into the car and all of them got in. The car consists of ten people. I sat in between Namjoon and J-Hope. When we got to our dormitory Namjoon laid me on the sofa. The ice pack was taped onto my ankle. We all had this day off since the concert was canceled. Jin had to take care of me.
----------THE NEXT DAY--------------
I woke up the next morning. I woke up realizing I was still on the sofa. I tried to get off the sofa and hop on one foot but I slipped and fell down. I moaned loudly in pain. Jimin walked out in the living room and saw me on the ground so he helped me up and carried me to the sofa.

"Th-Thanks." I said.

"Your welcome. L-Look, (Y/N), I-I'm sorry. I know you're mad at me but I just, I just want it to be back to normal and to have us as friends again. I really miss you. I feel so guilty."

I sighed. "I forgive you. I'm not the right person for you, I guess."

Jimin smiled. "I'm glad that you forgive me."

He hugged me and I hugged him back. Later they all went out to eat breakfast. After we all ate breakfast they decided who should stay home with me. They decided that Yoongi should stay home with me, plus he could write lyrics while he's at home. Yoongi carried me to his bedroom and put me onto the bed. Yoongi sat next to me on the bed. He was on the laptop working on the laptop.



     I hugged his left arm and rested my chin on his shoulder.

     "I'm bored."

     "Then do something."

     "But I don't know what to do."

     "Let's go to sleep then." He said smirking.


     "Fine, then let's watch a movie or something."


     He gave me a piggy back ride to the couch. We sat on the couch and watched a movie. My head rested on Yoongi's shoulder. He rested his head on top of my head and the next thing you know I was asleep.

     "Hey (Y/N), (Y/N) why aren't you answering?"

      I looked at (Y/N), she was asleep. She moved her head to the left. She looked cute when she's asleep. I carried her to my bed and laid her down gently. I laid next to her and watched her, suddenly she cuddled me. Oh gosh (Y/N), what are you doing to me? This is driving me insane. She muttered something in her sleep. She also sounded cute. I wrapped my arms around her and went to sleep.

     (Y/N)'S POV:
     I woke up feeling warm. I saw my arms wrapped around Yoongi and his arms were wrapped around my waist. He opened his eyes, when he saw me and pulled me in closer to him.

     "Wh-What are yo-"

     "I'm obviously cuddling you."

     "Let me go."


     "Yoongi! Let me go. . ."

     "No. Never."

     He put his face in the crook of my neck. I shivered and blushed. I could feel his breath against my skin. Just like what Jimin did to me. (Y/N), you gotta stop thinking about him and move on! He doesn't love you!

     "Y-Y-Yoongi. . ."


     After fifteen minutes he finally let go of me.



     "I. . . I love you. Do you want to go out on a date with me?"

     I was shocked. I stared at Yoongi.


     "I said do you want to go out on a date with me?"

     ". . . Yes."

     Yoongi smiled. We spend the rest of the day talking and having fun. Yoongi took great care of me. Soon the rest of the members came back to the dorm. We announced that to BTS members.

     When (Y/N) and I announced to the BTS members about us dating Jimin's face was sad and surprised. Well actually all of them were kind of sad but they promised not to tell anyone. I guess Jimin still does love (Y/N). While (Y/N) was in my room I told the rest of the BTS members a plan for me and (Y/N). . .
Hi guys sorry if you didn't want to date Yoongi. But the good news is you won't be dating him for too long. Hang in there with me. See ya later! :)

     1083 words
     August 4, 2016

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