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I was running through the woods as fast as i could trying to outrun my 12 year old sister.My name is Autumn and i'm 17 almost 18.I have natural loose brown curls and a slightly curvy body.My eyes are as blue as the ocean and i have a small pattern of freckles across my nose.My dad alpha of our pack named Autumn Sky.My mom is the Luna and is pregnant with my soon to be brother and heir to the pack.I heard Jamie howl and i was tackled down slamming me down into a clearing I saw my father and he narrowed his eyes at me.
What are you doing here he snapped through our mind link.I whimpered and he looked back to the other Alpha.I slowly slinked away as he stopped me.
Apologize for interrupting the meeting he snapped and i looked up at him before shifting.
Mate a voice snapped inside me as i morphed back into my human form.I looked around eagerly and my father cleared his throat.
"I'm truly sorry Alpha John for interrupting your meeting"
"It's quite alright darling I dare to say i enjoyed the outburst keeps my men on their feet"I nodded and went to turn away when my father grabbed me from behind.
"You need to go straight home and take Jamie with you"I could hear her whimper as she realized my father caught her scent and i nodded slowly.
"Yes Alpha"I walked into the woods and went to morph back just as i was tackled again.
Fuck i mumbled and my mouth went dry as i seen the most perfect human being on the planet.
Mate we whispered and he tugged me closer as looked up at him studying his appearance. He was very muscled and his jet black hair was styled in a quiff and my hand went up to touch his cheek to make sure I wasn't dreaming.He placed his hand over mine and he leaned in kissing me his right hand tangled in my brown locks.
Autumn my father snapped and I slowly broke from my mate slowly he kept his hold on me I could tell he was protective.
"I told you to go home"
"I was and then well Alpha this is my mate"
"Yes dad"
"We are going home we will talk about this later"I bowed my head and he told me I could have two minutes with my mate.
What's your name I murmured looking up at him.
Dekotah he murmured and tucked a lock of hair behind my ear.
"I thought I would never find you"
"Baby girl now that i have you and you have me nothing will keep me away I promise"I kissed him one more time before my father nudged me he was already morphed.
"Wait what's your number baby girl"I quickly typed it in his phone and I morphed and I was nudged again.I ran into the house to where my mom sat with all of the small children around her.
Autumn she smiled and my father walked in and the kids clung to him begging for their story.
"Mom I found my mate"
"Oh darling I'm very happy for you"She hugged me and i smiled.
"What's his name tell me all about him"
"His name is Dekotah he belongs too the daddy what's their pack name"
"Black claw"
"Wait Autumn honey please tell me you didn't interrupt your father's meeting"She looked at me with disappointment and I looked down and I knew my dad had told her   through mind link.
"We were running and i was taken down i didn't realize we were in a new territory"
"You need to be more careful"
"I know mom I'm sorry it won't happen again"
"Good now go washed up for dinner"We sat down at dinner and the mom's served everyone in the pack house.After dinner i was on my balcony Dekotah was texting me cute messages and snapchats.
'What are you doing baby girl'
'Drinking hot chocolate and sitting on my balcony'I suddenly was hit by the smell of something piney.I stood suddenly and shuddered with delight.
Mate is close my wolf cheered and I walked  downstairs my parents were in the kitchen talking softly too each other.
"Can you meet Dekotah right now"
"Now baby it's late"
"Mom he's already close"Dad stayed silent his eyebrows furrowed as he sighed.
Mate was granted access on the territory my wolf cheered again.I grinned and tore across the territory to my mate's open arms.He swooped me up and he automatically connected our lips.
My parents are waiting I whispered.He set me down gently and took my hand.The guards still followed closely behind us making sure I was safe which was no doubt my dad's orders.We walked in the pack house and I squeezed Dekotah's hand softly.He introduced himself and shook my dad's hand as they started talking about their packs.
"Dekotah it's late why don't you stay here with us"
"Thank you I'd appreciate that"We went up too my room and he stripped off his shirt and shorts leaving him in his black boxers.I was in my spandex nike shorts and a plain black shirt that used to be my dads.
"Wear my shirt"I picked it up off the floor and set it on my bed and pulled off my shirt slowly Dekotah was watching my every move.I slid his shirt over my head and climbed in my bed and he pulled me close to him.
"Let me mark you baby girl"
Okay i whispered and he smiled down at me lovingly and made his mark.I gasped in pain as his fangs clamped down.I groaned slightly and let out a shaky breath.(Just imagine the picture at the top being the mark)
Do I have to mark you I whispered.
It's a choice we can make but mostly females are the ones to get marked he murmured as he curled me tightly into him.
"I don't think i want too unless you want me too"
"Baby girl i want you to do what makes you comfortable but right now your exhausted I can see it in your eyes"I yawned and nodded curling into him as he kissed my hair and I fell asleep in Dekotah's arms.

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