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Month later
Autumn's POV
Daddy Momma Asher cried and Dekotah got up out of bed.I pressed my face into the pillow as I felt Asher climbing up our bed.He snuggled into me and I wrapped my arm around him.He nursed while Dekotah got dressed i'm guessing.I walked in our bathroom after Asher finished nursing.
"So for all the treaties i've had signed this week we are suppose to have one big party for"
"Next week"
"Next week fine next week Saturday"He nodded and kissed my temple.
"Mama up up"I lifted Asher up and he pressed kisses on each of my cheeks.
"Thank you baby boy"
"Welcome mama"He bounced excitedly in my arms and I held him close.
"You want daddy baby boy"He nodded and I set him on his feet and he went onto our balcony where Dekotah was on the phone.I went too go find Carrie to talk to her about this party.
"Hey Carrie"
"What"I growled and she straightened her back.
"I'm sorry I just haven't slept good"
"I had that issue too"
"What's up though"
"Well we have to through a party next Saturday"
"Mm for what"She inhaled her pancakes and I tried not to laugh she had syrup everywhere.
'Baby girl it's training day'
'It's winter'
'You'll be fine'
"We will talk about the part later I have to train"
"Have fun"
"Come cheer me on"
"I'll be there after my breakfast"I knew we weren't training in our wolf forms so i dressed cute.In a nike sports bra and spandex capri leggings.
'Are you coming baby girl waiting on you'
'I'm on my way'I switched my sports bra to the one that zips in front.I walked into the basement and Asher ran right for me.Carrie was slowly descending the stairs behind me.I took her hand and she smiled great fully.Ethan came and took her other hand and I released her too him as he took his stance behind her.I seen Alex was fighting Sam.I pressed a kiss to Dekotah's shoulder and his arm pulled me foreword into his arms wrapping them around my waist and Asher was by Alice and Zachary.
'Keep it zipped'
'Don't worry about it'
'Your my wife and mate I will worry about you if I want too'
'No one is even looking at me'
'Good they should know better'
'I wore it incase Asher needed to nurse'When Alex had Sam pinned they released each other and Dekotah's hands were gripping my hips.I pressed my bum into his growing erruction and he growled through our mind link.
'Don't if your horny we can fuck later'
'But I want you now'I turned and his hands reaching down to cup my ass.I smiled and I could feel people watching us.Dekotah tipped my face up and I pressed a quick kiss to his lips.After all the fighters that were to watch borders got through a few others did there training I was pushed onto the mat.I could feel everyone shifting as they waited for Dekotah to pick my opponent.
"Let's see who hasn't fought yet"About 30 people raised their hands and he decided on Ethan.I growled it simply wasn't fair.Ethan was easily a foot taller than me and not to mention about 10 times stronger.I seen Asher in Dekotah's arms and I smiled dodging a swing from Ethan.I hooked my leg around his pulling him to the ground and he growled.He flipped me and held me onto the mat and Dekotah growled.I looked up at Ethan too see him eyeing my zipper that was slowly going down with each pin.Dekotah hauled him off me and Asher giggled as Dekotah pinned Ethan.
"Mama win"I frowned and took Dekotah's hand as he pulled me up.I zipped my sports bra up and Carrie smiled as Asher ran for her putting his hands on her stomach.
Baby sleeping he whispered kissing her lower belly since that's what he could reach.I bolted for the bathroom and puked up my breakfast.I coughed and rinsed my mouth out only to start puking again.After I finished puking my guts out I seen Dekotah holding a small box in his hands.
"What is that"He flipped the test so I could read the box.
"Where'd you get one so quick"
"Carrie gave it too me said Ethan bought to many when she thought she was pregnant"I took the test and held it in my hands waiting for the plus or minus sign.
"It will be a month of trying tomorrow"
"Yeah it will be"
"Ready"I nodded ad Dekotah pulled it out of the box.
"Pregnant oh baby girl we are going to have another baby"
"We are"I took the stick from him and gasped.The three negative tests finally paid off we were going to have a baby again.

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