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Autumn's POV
I woke up too Dekotah stirring slowly against me.
Good morning i mumbled and he kissed my cheek softly.
"Good morning baby girl"I turned over too see him biting his lip as he looked down at me.I looked down to see his tshirt was raised up exposing my tan skin.He traced patterns on my hip and I smiled.
"Mm baby girl I want you very badly"
"Really"I looked up at him and flashed a smile.
Mhm me too I whispered tracing his veins in his forearm.His body tensed slightly making his muscles bulge as I basically melted.My door slammed open and in walked Jamie.
"Mom made you guys breakfast"
"We will be right down"She left my room and shut my door behind me and I straddled Dekotah.
Maybe later my parents will come get us if we take too long I whispered kissing his lips.
"Mm let's go baby girl"I tied my hair up in a messy bun and we went downstairs.We ate breakfast in silence the pack house was quiet with most of the warriors training today and the pups were all watching in awe.
I'll be right back okay i murmured and Dekotah nodded he was stuffing his face with my mom's pancakes.I took the steps two at a time and knocked before walking into my parents bedroom.It looked the same as it always did when I was little cream walls with Emerald green bedding along with the fluffiest carpeting I've ever put my feet on.I could hear my mom scream and I bolted to her side too see her clutching the countertop in their bathroom.
Daddy mom's going into labor I mind linked him and he was up next to me in a matter of seconds followed by the pack doctor.My mom had her eyes closed and I tied her hair up like the doctor asked me too do.I knew my parents were talking through mind link by the fact that they were both calm now.I backed out of the room and went back downstairs to Dekotah who was on the phone.I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and I giggled as he bent over and lifted me.
"I'll be right there"I frowned and he ended the call and put his phone in his pocket.
"I have to go baby girl"
"Okay"I tried to hide most of my disappointment I didn't want him too leave.He caressed my cheek with his thumb.
"Walk me out and i'll pick you up too meet my parents tonight at 6"I took his hand and he smiled softly.
"Do you want to change first"
"Can i have my shirt back"
"I'm never getting it back am I"
"Good thing it shows that your my baby girl"
"So does your mark"I let my dad know through mind link where I would be and he responded with be safe.We walked across the clearing where my dad's beta Eric was leading training.Jamie ran for me and I told her to go see the new baby through mind link I really didn't need her seeing us getting deeper into kissing.
'That's your sister right'I looked up at Dekotah and grinned since he marked me our mind link was sealed.
'Yes her name is Jamie she's 12'
'She's cute'I growled through the mind link and he chuckled.
'Oh baby girl I only have eyes for you'
'Good she's a little young for mating'
'Yes she is'We got to the edge of the clearing and took our time saying our goodbye.I watched him shift and start running to his territory.
'Don't forget 6 baby girl'
'I won't'I took a shower right when i got home and then went too see Carter which would be my new brother.
'Daddy can i come in'
'Just be quiet baby'I walked in and went over too my mom who was holding Carter.He looked alot like my mom where Jamie was a mix and i looked like my dad.
Can I hold him I questioned sitting gently on the bed.
"Of corse you can darling"She passed me him and I smiled down at him.
"He's heavy"
"He was bigger than you and Jamie"
"How much did he weight"
"10lbs and 13 ounces"
"Wow"He stirred in my arms and his eyes opened and i seen the same ocean blue eyes my father and I had.
"Dekotah leave"
"Yeah someone needed him and i'm meeting his parents tonight at 6"
"Just be careful darling"
"I will be"Carter started to fuss and I handed him to my mom as he nursed.I did my nails and toes and laid out my outfit for the night.It was a black floral dress with pale pink heels and set of thin black bracelets with rose earrings.I brushed my naturally curly hair and texted to Dekotah for awhile and I dozed off and when i got up it was 2 pm.I walked downstairs for some lunch which consisted of a grilled chicken panini sandwich and some red grapes.When 6 pm came around I was about a foot away from Dekotah's territory waiting for him to come get me.I screamed when I was picked up from behind.
"Sh baby girl it's just me"
"Don't do that"I took a deep breath soothed by his scent.
"Are you trying to impress you put cologne on"
"Baby girl I already have you I don't need to impress you I can see the love in your eyes for me"
"My mom said the same thing before I left"He kissed me softly and I moaned softly against his lips.
"That's a new sound"
"Kiss me again"
"'Mm maybe later baby girl my parents are waiting"
"Oh okay"
"I promise baby girl I will cover you in kisses tonight"
"Mhm i promise now let's go"We walked into the house and Dekotah squeezed my fingers.I straightened my dress nervously as we walked up the steps.
'Where are we going'
'My dad's office we are having a private dinner in there'I nodded slowly and he kissed my hand.
'They will love you'
'I hope they will because they couldn't keep me away from you'Dekotah knocked and we entered.I curtsied to Dekotah's father and he chuckled.
"You don't have too do that love"
"I'm sorry"
"This is my wife Alice and my younger son Zachary"
"Very nice to meet you all"Dekotah's arm was tight around my waist as we talked for awhile about me which I wasn't very fond of.
"Have you decided when you'll be moving here"
"Dad we just found out we were mates yesterday"
"I know but i'm not getting any younger and your time is coming"
"Don't talk like that dear"
"It's the truth Alice"
"So dad i'm gonna give Autumn the tour"I giggled in my mind that was the first time he ever used my real name.He took my hand and we walked down the steps.
My parents adore you he murmured as we walked into the kitchen.
"You think"He nodded and I was escorted to the living room where I could see groups of houses as I looked out a huge bay window.
"Don't you all live in this house"
"No just my family and soon too be you"
"This house is very big just for four of you"
"We all have meetings and eat most of the meals here except for tonight my dad made a rule when I told him I found you the night he met you along with the others it'd be family only"
"That's nice"
"You would be overwhelmed if you seen the whole pack here"I nodded and we walked up a different staircase into a huge room.
"This will be our room it's not decorated yet my mom wanted to discuss that with you"
"Wow and I thought my room was huge"I twirled and Dekotah smiled.
"I just seen your lace panties"
"Don't be baby girl"He twirled me repeatedly around the room and then swooped me around the room.I laughed and so did Dekotah as I clung to him when he stopped spinning us I was a little dizzy from it.
"It's a beautiful spot will this always be our room"
"No when i take over we get the top floor which is where my parents are now they would trade with us"
"Oh how long would we be in this room"
"Four to six months then I would take over and we'd move upstairs"
"I think we should just leave this room alone just get some furniture and some other necessities and let your mom paint it what she wants when they move down here I don't mind this color"After dinner we were in Dekotah's room him making short work of getting me ready.He shoved my dress up and I just kept telling him too keep going that I didn't want too stop which I didn't I've been wanting this since we first kissed.He slipped off his shirt and his jeans and unzipped my dress quickly and got it off so it pooled around my ankles.
"God baby girl your so beautiful"
"Thank you"He unhooked my bra and he dropped it too the ground.
Dekotah I moaned softly as he tweaked my nipple and massaged my breasts.I felt his hard on poking me and I tried my best to remove his boxers.I peeked down at his manhood and squeaked softly he is hung.
"Baby girl don't worry we can go slow and i'll be careful"I nodded and he slid a condom on and he removed my panties.
Ready he whispered and I nodded slowly.I dug my nails into his shoulders it hurts so bad.When the pain finally went away he started to move and I moaned.
Faster I mumbled my hands slick on his back.He growled covering me in love bites and increasing his speed.
Oh I squeaked when he hit that spot.
Do that again I purred and he made direct contact with me as he did it again.I moaned and he groaned continuously rubbing against that spot.
Oh baby girl i'm not gonna last much longer Dekotah panted picking up his pace.My stomach tightened and Dekotah hissed as I let out one final moan.
That was great I panted and he carefully and slowly pulled out of me and I winced slightly as he laid next too me on his side.He covered my body with the sheet and I turned repeatedly kissing him.
"I love you baby girl"
"I love you too"I pressed myself tight against his as I drifted off.

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