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(Asher's big boy room)
Dekotah's POV
"Daddy wake up"I opened my eyes seeing Asher trying to wiggle out of my arms.I released him and he fell onto the floor going over to his little tepee where he keeps his favorite books and toys.He watched me intently crawling out with his favorite book.
"Daddy read please"I laid him on my chest and held the book up.After I finished reading he was asleep again and I went into mine and Autumn's room to see her asleep still with Harper.Harper started to fuss and Autumn's eyes opened.
"Good morning baby girl"Autumn smiled at me and I lifted up Harper.
"I think you need a diaper change"Harper stared up at me as I changed her quickly in her nursery.I put her in a plain onesie and some little pants.I lifted her up and she reached her head up for my face.
"Are you going to be a daddy's girl"
"Daddy daddy"Asher latched onto my leg and I stroked his hair.
"Daddy up up"I lifted him up and he wrapped his arms around my neck as I carried them both into mine and Autumn's room.Autumn was fully dressed on our bed.
"There you are baby boy come on you need a bath"Autumn bathed Asher quickly making short work of it.
"Alpha your needed for a patrol"
"I'll be right down"
"Yes Alpha"Autumn dressed Asher as I laid Harper in her crib that was in our room.
'Going on a patrol'Autumn didn't respond but I knew she heard me.
Autumn's POV
After Asher's bath I had breakfast made for the two of us and we ate while Harper laid asleep upstairs.
"Where's daddy"
"He'll be back soon Asher he had to go check around the property"
"Oh can I go play now"
"Stay inside okay baby"He nodded and I finished my breakfast and then went upstairs too see Harper still asleep.I put away some laundry that was on our bed and I mind linked my father telling them Harper was born and during this week I would like for them too meet her.He agreed and I shut the link seeing Harper awake.
Hey princess why the tears I whispered and lifted her up.She stopped crying as soon as Dekotah's arms wrapped around my waist.
How was your patrol I whispered as I nursed Harper.
"It was fine where's Asher"
"In his room playing with his toys"
"My parents are coming up now to meet her"I only nodded.
Nana Asher giggled and I smiled walking downstairs when Harper finished nursing.
"Oh look at her she's beautiful"I let Alice take her as her and John admired Harper.Zachary was playing with Asher with his blocks and I kneeled behind Asher and he turned.
Mommy he giggled cuddling into me as I kissed his hair.I looked back to see Dekotah had Harper as he talked to his dad.I smiled as I seen him bounce her carefully and softly to soothe her.She settled instantly and he kissed her small head.
'Luna your daughter will not have the same trait as your son did she will have a normal infant life of four months'I sighed softly and Dekotah looked over to me.
'What's wrong'
'Nothing i love you'
'Something is bothering you tell me'
'Later'He closed the link and looked down at Harper as I came up to him and she turned her head to me.I took her carefully and nursed her again.I changed her and rocked her til she was asleep.I could hear Asher talking to Dekotah softly and they both walked in.
"Tell mommy what you want"
"Mommy you read to me tonight"
"Of corse I will baby boy"I lifted him and he kissed my cheek.
"Yes baby boy"
"Love you"
"I love you too baby boy so much"He picked out his book and I helped him change into his pj's and got him all tucked in as I laid next to him.He pressed his back into my chest so he could turn the pages and look at the pictures.After his story Asher was asleep for the night and I flicked on his nightlight.I kissed his forehead softly and shut his door quietly before sliding into mine and Dekotah's bed.Harper and Dekotah were both asleep already.I kissed Dekotah's cheek and curled into him before falling asleep.

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