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Dekotah's POV
I woke up to Autumn being completely wrapped around my body.I cradled her sleeping face and she stirred slightly but stayed asleep in my arms.I slowly slipped out of bed and Autumn rolled over exposing her lush tits.My cock swelled at the sight of her naked body.Her body stirred causing the sheet to slowly slip from her body.I woke her by filling her and she looked up at me as I moved.
Mm good morning babe she moaned as I picked up my pace.
"It is now"I dragged the sheet so it covered us as I counted to pound into her.She cried out when she finished and I kissed her before getting up for my shower.When I got out she was asleep again.
"I love you I have some things too do are you staying tonight again"
Love you too she mumbled and I waited for an answer.
"I'll see you later"I kissed her shoulder and left.
Autumn's POV
It was about an hour after Dekotah left that i rolled out of bed it was 7 in the morning.I took a shower and slipped on some sweats and a oversized t-shirt.I froze when I seen I wasn't in my room or even at my parent's house.I slipped on some jeans and my shoes and I put a tank top on and walked over to Dekotah's side of the room.I slipped on on of his flannels and brushed my hair braiding it quickly.I applied some makeup and I walked in the kitchen too see Dekotah's mom and brother at the table.
"How did you sleep darling"
"I slept great thank you for asking"
"Do you plan on transferring this week"
"Yes Dekotah said he would talk to Alpha John today"
"I'm sure he'll say yes he thinks your the best thing to happen to our lives in awhile"
"I appreciate that"Zachary giggled and I took the cup of coffee I was offered.
"Are you wearing Dekotah's shirt"
"Yes I am"
"Why-daddy are you going to eat breakfast with us"
"Dekotah and I are"I felt Dekotah's presence behind me and felt his lips graze my hair.
"What are we having for breakfast"
"Waffles Zachary picked it"A plate piled with waffles was brought out along with every topping you could think of.I topped mine with strawberries and Dekotah covered his in syrup and chocolate chips.
"So Autumn we will announce you joining the pack tomorrow is that alright"
"It's fine"
"Honey that's a very big ceremony to plan and cook in a day plus set up"
"We will work through it I hired help and have some warriors setting up tables"
"And i'm very sure Dekotah would love to have the day off to take her shopping for a dress"I smiled and Dekotah choked on his waffles apparently he wasn't told that part.He squeezed my fingers softly as he excused us after we had finished.
"Are you ready"
"I'm ready"I took his hand and he led me too his vehicle.We drove into town and I was fitted for a dress for the occasion in five different stores and I sat patiently as they dresses in my size for every store.Dekotah shot down five of them right away because they were too low cut.I looked at my five choices they were all beautiful but only one said hey I'm the new luna.
"Babe what about this one"I walked out in the blush pink dress with the lace all around the dress.
"You look stunning baby girl"I twirled slowly and smiled.
"I think this is the one"
"Then let's get it"I paired it nude heels and Dekotah paid and i took the bag which he immanently took.
"I can carry it"
"I'm trying to be a good mate"He opened the car door for me and I slid in.Dekotah leaned in for a kiss which I gladly returned.
Mm I mumbled and he tangled his hand in my hair.
"God I can't get enough of you I love you"
"I love you too"
"We should go to your parents so you can say goodbye"I nodded and when we arrived on the territory guards appeared.I unbuckled and got out.The guards backed off immediately and I took Dekotah's hand.We walked into my family's house and I immediately hugged my parents.
"I'm getting accepted into Black star tomorrow"My mom's eyes started to water and my dad's grip on me tightened.
"That's soon darling"
"You are all welcome to join and we will be visiting don't worry I won't keep you from her"
"Well we appreciate that don't we honey"
"If corse we do"My dad kissed my hair softly and I showed my mom my dress and modeled it for them.Dekotah was grinning ear to ear I knew he was proud to show me off.
"Will you stay your last night here"Dekotah frowned and excused himself.I went to follow him and seen him take off after he shifted.
Something must be wrong I murmured and my mom rubbed my back slowly.
"I'm going to go lay down but where's Jamie"
"She is at the lake with the pups"My father tensed and soon the pack house was full.
Safety room my dad yelled in his Alpha voice I grabbed Carter out of his swing and my mother made sure everyone was in the room.We were locked in from the outside no one could get in even if they tried.My mom took Carter cradling him as the pups were trying to get their mother's attention.I kept track of time on my phone but mainly too see if Dekotah was going to text me and tell me he was fine.We were in the safety room for six hours before my dad unlocked it.I seen Dekotah and bolted for him and he lifted me up kissing my hair repeatedly as I cried into his neck.
"Sh baby girl I'm okay look not a scratch on me"
Why didn't you mind link me or even text me I was so worried I cried as he carried me into my old room.
"Sh sh baby girl please stop crying"He laid back and I was still on top of him.I got the hiccups from crying so much and Dekotah held me as I scanned his body for injuries.
What happened I whispered as I rested my cheek on his chest and sprawled out my body on my mattress.
"A rouge pack attacked your father's pack my dad's warriors were doing a patrol and they were attacked and one of them were injured badly"I nodded slowly kissing his chest as his eyes closed.I smiled evilly unbuttoning his pants and sliding down his boxers as i undressed quickly.
"Baby girl what are you doin- oh fuck"I looked up at him as he sat up as I rode him.I slowed my pace grinding down on him.
Fuck he groaned thrusting up as I moaned.
Mm faster I moaned.He thrusted up again and I pulled him on top and he thrusted deeper as I moaned trying to be somewhat quiet.When we finished we were both panting and I rubbed my eyes.
"We should go back I told my parents we'd be back"
"Carry me"
"Baby girl"
"Alright fine but go say goodbye to your parents again"I got dressed and walked downstairs Dekotah following me with a box of my stuff that I left here.
"I'll be right back"I nodded and said my good byes and then walked out on the porch and Dekotah picked me up wrapping my legs around his waist.I woke up a couple hours later too see Dekotah asleep and we were in our bed.
What's wrong baby girl Dekotah murmured.
Have to pee I mumbled rolling out of bed and walked slowly to the bathroom.I squinted when I turned the light on.
Shit I whined turning the light off.
Ouch i mumbled as i bumped into the door way.Dekotah picked me up and I hummed happily as he spooned me.
Go back to sleep he murmured kissing my hair bring our interwinded hands between my breasts.I eventually fell asleep too Dekotah's steady breathing.

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