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(That's there designed bedroom)
Autumn's POV
'Baby girl our room is done'I opened the image on my phone to see exact bedroom I wanted.I smiled and dialed him.
"So does that mean we are moving in this week"
"I'm already moved in but yes we can"
"Will you come help me pack"
"Of corse I will baby girl just later okay I have a few things to do and it will give you time to be ready for me showering you in love"
"Can't wait babe"He growled whenever I called him babe he loved it.
"When you growl like that it turns me on babe"He growled again and I shuddered as I bit my bottom lip.
"Good I'll see you later okay I love you"
"I love you too"My mom wheeled in 3 big suitcases.
"What's this"
"It's for your clothing just for when your ready and when you get all unpacked you can bring them back"
"Okay thank you mom"
"Your welcome darling"
"I'm moving my stuff in tonight except for maybe a few outfits so I can stay the rest of the week"
"Well it's a good thing I got these out then"I nodded and she hugged me.
"Would you like to see what our room looks like"She looked in awe at my future room.
"Wow this is beautiful"
"His mom designed it"
"She has very good taste"She left to let me start packing in peace.I packed all my summer clothes in one suitcase and then did most of my dresses and rompers leaving two of each of them out.
'Baby girl im on my way'
'I'll be right there'I walked out to our usual meeting spot and he was still in his wolf form.He flanked me and i buried my face in his fur.
'I missed you'
'I missed you too baby girl it's been a long week'I nodded and kissed his muzzle stroking his fur.He shifted back and i handed him his back up clothes that he left here.
"My vehicle is about 5 minutes from here"
"Autumn darling can you watch Carter while I take a quick shower"
"Sure mom"I took him carefully and walked up to my room Dekotah following behind me.We finished packing and by the time my father came in from training he was looking for Carter.I handed him off to my dad and Dekotah with permission brought his vehicle up so we could load my stuff.I slid into the passenger seat and got comfortable it was about a thirty minute drive too Blackstar's camp.
"Tired baby girl"
"I need to rest up for your kisses later"He chuckled and rubbed my thigh.
"That's not all we are doing we need too test out the new bed baby girl"I grinned and watched him drive.I bit my bottom lip and flipped up the console resting my head on his shoulder.
"I love you so much"
"I love you more baby girl"I smiled and took his hand that was on my thigh.
"Baby girl wake up"I moaned softly as i felt Dekotah's lips press against my arms and collarbone along with my face.
How long was I asleep I yawned.
"Hm awhile I have a surprise for you"
"Mhm what is it"
"Close your eyes"
"No peeking"
"I won't"
"Alright baby girl open"
"Oh wow this is beautiful"
"This is our closet"The closet alone was half the size of our room and was connected to a bathroom.
"Come on baby girl we should get cleaned up"
"Okay"We steeped into the warm shower together and Dekotah let me wash my hair first and then he did his.
"Here I didn't unpack your stuff you can use this soap"He lathered my body with soap and I sighed contently.
My turn I whispered slowly washing him as he place delicate kisses on my forehead.He pulled me against his chest as we stood under the shower head letting the warm water wash away the soap.
"Your so beautiful baby girl"
"Thank you"I kissed him softly once more before we dried off and got dressed.I unpacked quickly filling my side of the closet.I laid out my jewelry in the drawer next to Dekotah's watches and two black velvet ring boxes.
"Baby girl what are you doing"
"Just putting my stuff away"
"Come back too me"I walked back into our bedroom after i combed my hair and braided it.I curled into him and he kissed my forehead.
"Are you hungry"My stomach growled and he chuckled.
"I'll take that as a yes"We walked downstairs and there was a staff in the kitchen.
"What would you like too eat baby"
"What ever your having"
"Will you make two plates of my normal lunch"
"Yes sir"
"Thanks"We walked into the living room and we sat on the couch as Zachary was playing a video game.
"Hello darling lovely too see you again"His mom kissed my cheek and i smiled softly.She kissed Dekotah's cheek and he whined but stopped when he seen our food.His dismissed them and his mom slapped him upside the head.
"What's wrong with you I raised you better"
"Use your manners"
"Your welcome sir"
"Was that so hard"
"Yes so hard might die"He fell to the floor clutching his heart as his mom left the room rolling her eyes.
"Your so bad"He chuckled and sat next too me eating the spaghetti and meat balls.Zachary's lunch was brought in as well and he used his manners like you were suppose too.He looked back at us and crawled over to us.
"I'm not switching"
"I always forget to order that please one bite"Dekotah grumbled but gave in too the six year olds pouting face.When I finished he took our plates to the kitchen and Zachary climbed onto my lap.
"Are you going to marry my brother"
"Most likely is that okay with you"
"I like you"
"Well I like you too"He kissed my cheek and ran away.I giggled and Dekotah sat down next to me.
"Why are you laughing"
"Zachary just kissed me and ran away I think he ran away before you could catch him"
"He what"
"He kissed my cheek and ran away"Dekotah growled and I slid into his lap.His hands ran up my thighs and I kissed his neck.
"Mm baby girl are you ready for round two"
"I'm ready"He picked me up and I squeaked as he carried us too our room.

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