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Autumn's POV
Today Dekotah would be gone for two days Harper didn't like the thought of Dekotah being gone so she was really clingy to him today.She slept in our room last night curled up into Dekotah.I made a bottle and Dekotah laid in bed with her giving her the bottle as she stayed glued to his side.
"Hm should you get a bath today Harper"She ignored me to busy trying to get Dekotah's attention back on her.
"Daddy do it"
"I'm sure daddy would love to give you a bath"She nodded not even bothering to ask Dekotah knowing he would drop everything for his little princess.
"Momma get water ready"
"You want to take a bath now"
"Yes"She crawled off the bed and followed me into the bathroom where I set the water a the temperature she liked.I plugged the drain and added a small amount of bubbles.I undressed Harper and finger combed through her hair.She got out her towel and Dekotah came in rubbing his eyes.I knew he was exhausted still from being awake with Harper last night.
"Are you going to take a nap with daddy after your bath?"
"Yes momma"Dekotah only smiled in response letting her get in the tub by herself and get out a couple of her toys.I went to check on Asher to see him trying to button his shirt.
Mommy help he groaned tugging at the shirt.I rebuttoned his shirt and he went to go play with Larkin outside with Ethan and Carrie.I walked back in my room to see Dekotah asleep and Harper was tracing his pack tattoo that was on his bicep.
"Harper baby do you want to nurse"She nodded and kissed Dekotah's cheek before walking over to me as i lifted her up.She nursed quietly as I walked into her room.She was asleep in her crib after about ten minutes.I shut her door quietly and went outside to see Asher and Larkin playing with bubbles.
"Asher baby it's time for a nap"After he fell asleep I seen Dekotah working in his office.I walked in and sat across from him.
"You know the kids are both asleep in their rooms and you leave tonight"
"I do know it's very quiet"
"We could make it not be quiet"He looked up from his paperwork and raised an eyebrow.
"I thought you wanted to wait"
"I'm ready"
"Go get naked I just have two more papers too sign"

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