Chapter One

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The Perfect Hell

Chapter One

Felicia's POV

I'm not perfect.

Who said I was?

But apparently, I am perfect to others and others aspire to become like me. They do not really know what happens behind the scenes. They don't know who I am and what I really am. 

In reality, I'm not perfect. I already said that, but it's true and I want to mention that I will never be perfect. I don't think before I do, but when I do think before I do, people are disappointed with me and well, they get mad at me and ignore me.

That's proof I'm not perfect.

Everyday is a new adventure for me and I don't know what is coming at me nor will I be able to choose properly if time presses on me.

Nobody is perfect.

Nobody's life is perfect.

I didn't introduce myself. I apologize. I'm usually polite but I tend to forget sometimes. I'm a busy girl with lots on her mind, so it's normal for me to forget even if it doesn't look like I forget.

My name is Felicia San Rossa. 17 years old, and 18 by December 8 of this year. Yeah, December is pretty close already. I see snow falling down my window pane already, and it's only October but I live in Calgary, where weather is bipolar. It's normal.

I have pale tan skin. Contradicting desrciption right? But I'm naturally tan, I just don't go out into the sun as much which makes my skin more pale than my brothers. I only mentioned brothers because I'm not on good terms with my parents.

They want me to act more like civil citizens from our home country. I always told them, why would you bring me to Canada if you want me to become someone like you in your own country. They said I took everything for granted. To be honest, I probably do because I moved in Canada before I was born so I don't know how it is to live in our home country.

I have green eyes. Yes green eyes, but I look like I have brown eyes. Weird right? It's only in the right lighting you will see the color of my eyes shift from brown to green. Sometimes even, one eye looks brown and the other eye will look green. It's just because of the lighting. But usually, I'll describe my eyes as green because it makes me unique. Foreign. Different.

I have long dark brown wavy hair. It is really wavy and long. If I were to straighten my hair, it'd reach the hem of my shirt. I have rosy red lips. I like using red lip gloss or red lip stick or red lip stain. The color red just suits me really well and it reminds me of a Disney princess, Snow White. Skin as white as snow, hair black as the night and lips red as the rose.Yeah, I sound a lot like her. The only difference, I am not a princess and I don't have short hair. I have long hair and it's dark brown, not black. 

I ramble a lot, I know. But this is my story.

I have to start somewhere right?

I have to start at the point before my life began changing. Before I entered a whole new world.

Yes, I like Disney movies. I just used an Aladdin reference. 

Sorry, I'm weird.

Carrying on.

I have a small petite body. It's also curvy but just at the right places. I hope I can maintain this shape. Because although I'm confident with showing off my body, I just get really nervous around guys. I just simply don't trust guys anymore, except for my brothers.

Oh, my brothers.

I have three older brothers.

From the oldest brother to me, we are 10 years apart. Yeah, he's 27, married with a cute daughter Angelica. He looks a lot like me but of course, with muscle and with short curly hair. Nathaniel San Rossa.

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