Chapter Twenty One

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The Perfect Hell

Chapter 21

Felicia's POV

The thought of my brothers frightened me. I haven't called them. I told Mrs. Audrian not to inform them.

Sure, my brothers have the right to know that I'm alive.

Of course, I should have told them already. But I just didn't want to. Not yet at least.

But I have a reason not to tell them just yet.

I've been feeling depressed.

I have this empty feeling in my chest.

Like a hole.

An emptiness.

In this summer weather of Toronto, I didn't have the pleasure of the coldness wrapping around me and enveloping all emotion. I wanted to feel numb. I wanted to be relieved from the emptiness I felt.

I sat down on Daniel's bed.

No, our bed.

I wasn't content though. This didn't feel like it belonged to me just yet.

Daniel and I have a son. My dearest Raver. My life.

But I wasn't in love completely with Daniel.

Don't get me wrong. I do love Daniel.

But I just don't completely love him?

Do you understand what I mean?

I'm only 18 years old.

A teenager at heart still.

I want to go out and explore the world. I want to learn and achieve goals and dreams that are now out of my reach. I want to be reckless and be in love with men that I won't settle down with. I want to go clubbing with my girlfriends and get those ridiculous headaches the following morning.

I chuckled to myself. I really am a teenager still. A legal teenager in fact. I still had lots of things I wanted to do and in this last year, it was ripped away from me.

Most of all, I wanted to be courted and be completely and wholeheartedly in love with the man of my dreams. Of course, I did find that man of my dreams.

But I was never courted and taken out on dates. I was never kissed good night. I never received those sweet good morning text messages.

I wanted those.

I wanted to be a teenager again.

Maybe that's the hole in my heart. The feeling of being ripped away from what your age should be experiencing right now.

I got up and stripped myself of clothes. The scars and bruises are slowly fading away. I turned on the shower and slid unto the bathtop floor.

I laughed as the cold droplets of water splattered against my bare skin. Slowly, I zoned out and couldn't feel any more emotion or see clearly what what in front of me.

Please, I want to be young again, I last thought.

Daniel's POV

I walked into the foyer of the Ramada hotel. My hotel.

Today was busy than most usual days. Mostly because most of the pack members were here to welcome my Luna and my heir, Raver.

I longed to be with Felicia again and see the smile of my son.

I just needed to be near her after Jonn's death.

I needed to feel full again because I had this empty depressing feel in my chest that I couldn't get rid of. It hurt me.

I ran up to my room to be welcomed by my mate.

But she wasn't there.

I could smell her scent.

It was strong and alive making my ache for her more.

But she wasn't here.

I growled. Where is she? I thought.

In my frustration, I didn't realize the bathroom shower was on and been on for the last five minutes as I was fuming in anger and worry.

I pushed the door open to feel the intoxicating scent of my mate. The flurry of chocolates and roses.

But it was cold.

The feel of the shower was cold. To deep threatening cold waters. My eyes grew wide as I saw her clothes sprawled on the floor and a hunched figure in the shower.

"FELICIA!" I screamed as I yanked the shower curtain away and saw an unconscious mate.

Fuck, I thought as I turned off the shower, lifted Felicia into my arms, wrapped her in the bed and cuddled with her until I could feel warmth return to her delicate and sadly damaged skin.

I fell asleep besides her.

**sorry if it feels depressing. I kind of felt depressed so it kinda reflected into my writing. At least I updated! **

Perfect Hell (Book 1) - COMPLETED! (editing in process!)Where stories live. Discover now