Chapter Twenty Four

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The Perfect Hell

Chapter 24

Felicia's POV

I smiled.

I smiled?

Why was I smiling?

I looked towards my left. I was actually not in control of myself. It was like I was watching in my own body. Weird..

I took his hand and ran forward jumping into a sea of flowers. As I rolled on the ground, I flattened the knee high green grass and laughed.

I was wearing a red overalls. Very flirty. It was very high on my legs and didn't have straps like a normal overall. It was just a tube top with a heart shape near my front area. It was also very low on my chest. I also wore a flowery necklace that mimicked all the flowers I laid down in. I was bare foot.

Then I felt the pressure on my body leaning very close to me. I watched myself rub a strand of their hair away from their face but I couldn't see their face. I now felt the full body weight on me and hands running all around my body. It felt gross and disgusting and I watched myself push the person away.

It growled.

I looked at the faceless person scared as it grabbed my hands and pinned them up above my head.

Suddenly, I'm in a cave and I hear the familiar cruel sound of whips and the laughter I thought I'd hear no more.

Then I say his face.

Jonnaroy Audrian.

He smiled evilly and sexily at me which made me cringe. My body lifted up and I watched myself stand willingly to Jonn.

I screamed, "NO, DONT DO IT!"

It was like watching a horror movie that you knew the killer was coming but the movie character didn't know. I watched myself play in this horror movie.

Jonn pressed me against himself and leaned my body over his leg. He whipped my naked behind several times and I watched myself enjoying the pain of being whipped.

That is not right! Jonn pulled my body back revealing my front and brushed away my hair from my neck. His teeth sharpened and he smiled seductively at me. I turned my head to allow him more access to my neck.

What the heck was I doing?!?? I thought to myself.

Jonn bit down into my neck causing me to scream both in my dream form and my watching form. He pulled back to reveal his bite on my neck declaring me as his. I shivered remembering the night he actually bit me but against my will, not like this.

I watched myself stir in his arms and stand up on my own. I was then sucked back into my own body and watched as I looked into Jonn's bright wolf red eyes.

But it wasn't Jonn.

It was Daniel.

His eyes turned a bright glowing blue and he licked his lips. "HUMAN!" He shouted before lounging at me again.

I screamed and my eyes flew open to see the same set of eyes but in black.


I moved away slowly but he kept inching forward.

"Felicia?" He said. He reached his hand out but I smacked it away. Then got up and ran for dear life.

Daniel's POV

I found Felicia's scent almost an hour out of the city in an abandoned farmers's field. I had just found her when she screamed. Her eyes flashed open and she immediately I could sense fear.

What happened?

"Felicia?" I said carefully reaching out to her. But she moved away and got up and ran.

Fuck, I thought.

I started chasing after her but it was almost impossible. How did my human mate get this inhuman speed? Speed almost like a werewolf.

That thought made me more determined to catch her and find out what was going on with her lately.

Suddenly, I lost her scent.

HOW DID I EVEN-??!??!!!

I shouted in frustration. How did I even lose the scent of my mate.

I mindlinked Richard to bring a couple of our pack hunters to this area and help me catch Felicia.

There is something wrong and I need to find out what, I thought.

A whiff of chocolates and roses blew by from the wind and I knew where she was. About 200 metres away from me.

I ran and that's where her scent stopped again. I was near a bunch of trees. Her scent then hit me hard and was all around me at once.

This was so weird.

I heard a twig snap and immediately faced that way to see a shadow dart up into the trees.

Was it possible she could climb trees? She didn't seem like the one to know how to in the first place, I thought.

More rustling but this time no shadow. The winds shook the trees around me violently and I swear I could hear giggles all around me. Not just any giggles but my Felicia's giggles.

"FELICIA!" I shouted.


I could hear Felicia's voice in the wind. It hurt me to hear her say I took away a life she could have had if I didn't enter her life. The wind got faster and fiercer.

Immediately, I mind linked Richard and said, he couldn't enter the area with trees. There was a force field around it that prevented him and the pack hunters from entering.

The wind stopped and nature dropped everything it carried in the wind. Richard and the rest of my pack members entered.

"Search the trees, she's hiding up there!" I ordered and immediately the pack hunters went to find her.

Then there was an ear piercing scream. My head shot that way and one of the pack hunters had an unconscious Felicia in his hands.

He handed her to me but before I realized her sudden change of clothes. She wore a red overalls that had a low cut heart shaped shape and very high cut for her legs.

I could hear a faint heart beat and panicked as it became slower and slower. I ordered my men to head home immediately and we all ran together.

As we ran home, I kept on thinking what had happened back in that small tree area. Force field? Shadows? Booming voice? Weird weather?

I knew for sure something was up.

We got home and it was near sunset. Raver was asleep already in my mom's room.

As I set Felicia on our bed, I noticed her necklace then her neck. It had a bite mark. A werewolf bite mark and a scent that I despised.

Then tucked in her hands, a small piece of paper fell out. I picked it up and read:

I promised the devil my soul when Felicia is mine.


My mind nearly exploded at the anger.

Perfect Hell (Book 1) - COMPLETED! (editing in process!)Where stories live. Discover now