Chapter Twenty Three

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The Perfect Hell

Chapter 23

Daniel's POV

Felicia stormed to her room.

In what emotion?











It reminded me of my sisters when they were spazzing out about something that I didn't do.

Felicia was acting like an immature teenager.

I sighed and wiped off the small tears off of Raver.

He frowned and pointed to the stairs where his mom went. I smiled at him.

"Don't worry little guy," I said as I cleaned up his high chair. "Mommy is just tired. She needs some sleep."

I know she didn't need sleep because it was still very early in the day. Something else was up, and I needed to find out.

I lifted the upset Raver into my arms and led him to the playroom with other toddlers. It was a room dedicated simply for younger children like Raver to play in. There were toys and lots of other kids. All the stuff were penned into more than half of the room. The other half was for parents and siblings and other pack members to watch the children. I placed Raver down in the pen and he crawled away to a you he found interesting. I asked some of the mothers of the pack to watch over my son as I went to Felicia.

I got to our room and knocked gently. "Felicia.." I whispered and went to turn the knob. It was locked. Just my luck.

I twisted and turned the knob and shouted for Felicia to open up the door. No response.

Frustratingly, I used my keys to open up the door. I hated using my keys. It made me feel like I was not welcome here.

When I opened the door, a pillow was flung my way. I dodged it then looked at Felicia with wide eyes. "What was that for?!" I demanded using my Alpha voice.

She stuck her tongue out at me. "For disturbing me!" She then crossed her arms and turned around not facing me.

What is going on with my mate?! I thought.

I walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her waist. She gasped. "Get off me pervert!"

I was shocked. Shocked was probably an understatement. But I was shocked to 300 times infinity. That is how shocked I was with what my mate said.


"What did you say!??" My wolf got out as I flustered over what she had said. I didn't realize how upset my wolf was with her.

My body plunged forward and grabbed her forearms digging my fingers into her delicate skin. My wolf shouted, "YOU DO NOT DISRESPECT YOUR ALPHA LIKE THAT!"

She shuddered under his voice and quivered. My wolf got more angry with her silence.


That's when I caught attention to what my wolf was doing to our mate. I forced myself to take control and put my wolf to the back of my mind despite his growls and orders to let him through.

Perfect Hell (Book 1) - COMPLETED! (editing in process!)Where stories live. Discover now