Chapter Thirty Three

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The Perfect Hell

Chapter 33

Felicia's POV

I stared at my new iPhone 5 whether to call my family again. I was nervous. More nervous than when I first called them. Probably because I'd have to explain not only of my early disappearance but my sudden disappearance over the phone. Nobody would be happy about that and I could even tell them about it because like what Deryk said, it's better to keep the werewolf world a secret from humans. Though I bet my brothers are close to figuring it out themselves.

I dialled a number and put the phone to my ears. I smiled when they picked up. "6 tickets from Toronto to Calgary please," I said.

It took an hour to figure out the plane details, and another few hours more to convince Daniel for all of us to go see my family, but he complied and by tomorrow morning we'll be on a plane to Calgary.

Who's we? Of course, Daniel and I. Colas and Raver. And the two Betas.

Mom, Daniel's mom, would be taking care of the pack for the week we were in Calgary. I just hope nothing goes wrong while we're away.

I was packing Raver's clothes as he played in his crib when Colas came up to me. "What you doing momma?"

I smiled as I closed Raver's small royal purple suitcase. "We are going to see Momma's mom and dad and her brothers."

Colas jumped up and down. "And Danciella too?" He asked with big eyes.

Oh this boy. I nodded "yes Colas."

He did a victory dance around the room and Raver began watching him. In his crib, Raver also began chanting and cheering with Colas. My boys are so cute, I thought. And I began to think that Danciella really might be Colas's mate.

I started packing Colas's clothes in his small midnight blue suitcase.

I wonder what I will have to pack, I thought.

Daniel walked in and picked me off of the floor and twirled me around. Again, like at the park, the boys cheered and laughed at Daniel and I. I giggled and kissed his cheek as he set me down on the floor.

"What was that for?" I asked stroking my hand against his cheek.

He smiled and kissed my mark on my neck. "Oh nothing," he said.

"EWW," Colas shouted and pointed at us. Raver did the same thing afterwards. Daniel and I laughed.

Then his eyes were on something behind me. I turned around to look but I didn't notice anything particular. He walked over to the night table and picked up the piece of paper. The piece of paper from the night before... He quickly read it and crumpled it in his hands before coming over back to me and wrapping his arms around my petite body.

"I saw that note last night," I told Daniel through the mind link.

He tensed up around me. "Why didn't you wake me up and tell me?" He asked.

"You were tired and I didn't want to trouble you," I stroked my hand against his cheek and the other hand on his arm.

"Next time hun," he said digging his face into my neck. "Tell me as soon as you can. I can't risk any danger to my family, especially my mate."

I nodded and kissed his nose. The boys had gone back to playing by themselves and I returned to packing Colas's clothes as Daniel packed his.

Soon after I packed mine. I had two large red suitcases. A girl needs to bring her closet right? Daniel had his one large black suitcase all set to go. He had also packed in his suitcase any toys that the boys would like to bring.

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