Chapter Twelve

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The Perfect Hell

**omg, my first comment! I'd like to thank you so much kiki167175 for commenting and also following me. I give you an inter-hug. Get it? Internet and hug together in one word. Okay I'll stop now (: thank you btw**

Chapter Twelve

Felicia's POV

I smiled back at Mrs. Audrian trying not to reveal how awkward I felt at this moment. Especially because Daniel and I were still a close distance to each other. Closer than I had originally thought. I only had to lean backwards and be in his arms. His large arms that would always protect me and caress me and.. Whoa, I wondered why I let my mind wondered that far off. Although I did want that.

He glanced down at me and smiled also awkwardly as we were under the scrutinizing eyes of his nosey mother. Yes, nosey because she seemed to want to know everything about him and I. Oh my, I thought.

After a good long awkward silence, Daniel took my hand and led me up the stairs before his mom could follow to another set of stairs. I wondered if part of the cabin was hidden when I first saw it because this was too large of a cabin than the small entrance I saw. Perhaps it was magic..

The stairway led to a door in which Daniel opened it up to reveal an apartment with no walls. Literally. His black canopy and very large bed centred the middle of the room. Gray curtains hung down his canopy bed probably for some privacy in this vast wide and open room. His floor was of black carpet or more like a velvet black flooring because it covered the floor and radiated warmth up through the soles of my feet. Oh how I would love to lie down on the floor right now. To the far left corner was a large kitchen. From where I stood, it was LARGE. Well, a werewolf needs his food so I guess that section had everything you needed to cook right there ready to be used. At the far right corner was his entertainment area with a large wide screen tv and several game systems and coinciding games. He also had surround sound and a CD player. From afar, I could tell something old but often used, a VCR player. I giggled knowing he was such an oldie. To the front right corner was his personal office. Again, all the furniture was black and large. To the front left corner looked like a walk in closet without the walls. He had several large mirrors and closets revealing lots of suits and shoes. Damn, I haven't seen him in a tuxedo yet.

"Uhh," he began. His first words was like a song to me, "welcome to my room."

I literally sighed at how heavenly he sounded. He could tell that I was drooling over his most perfect voice. He chuckled.

"I kinda wanted to see you today.." He continued rubbing the back of his neck looking nervous. "And spend your birthday with you as my gift." He closed his eyes shut and covered them. Oh how cute I thought.

I reached for his arms and pulled them off his face gently then kissed his nose. His eyes perked open in surprise but also in happiness.

Me being here with him felt right. Completely right despite the indirect past we had with one another. Everything felt perfect.

That's when I realized I am in love with Daniel Audrian.

Yes I rant quite a lot. To be honest, I ranted so much earlier before I came to Toronto. About my parents, my brothers and why I thought life was horrible. To be honest, I needed an escape and well ranting was part of my escape. You know when you just want to get everything down on paper and hide it somewhere. Yeah I wanted to do that but here I am publicly writing and describing my life. The life I wanted with Daniel.

The word Mate popped into my mind.

I whispered the word, "mate."

Daniel looked into my eyes and smiled. His eyes lit up like a lantern in the midst of the darkest nights. The normal dark black eyes I saw was now blue like the sky on the clearest summer afternoon. It was truly an amazing sight. His smile reached ear to ear, not literally, but happiness radiated off his stance. I couldn't help but also feel happy.

Perfect Hell (Book 1) - COMPLETED! (editing in process!)Where stories live. Discover now