Chapter Twenty

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The Perfect Hell

**again, thank you hcocutie for commenting. You're the best! Interhug to you (: **

**also want to thank all the people who have so far liked my story. I don't see all the names of who liked it. But Interhug to you too! I'm so happy (': **

Chapter Twenty - 20

Felicia's POV

Daniel was sending both Raver and I home.

Where's home you may ask?

Uhm, to be brutally honest. Nowhere.

Yeah, I was born in Calgary.

I lived in Toronto for a few months.

Then a month in a cave.

Then a couple more somewhere in France.

But I wouldn't call any of those places home.

However, I did have something in my life to make me think about home.


And consequently, Daniel.

They both needed a home. A place to settle down at. A place so we could be a family.

Yes, I know that Daniel is Alpha of the Red Moon Pack and he can't be far from them in case of an emergency.

So I thought long and hard as Raver and I were flown across the ocean and back into Canada. I still hadn't chose a destination for home, but Toronto was the only place to go as of now.

Luna Senar, the Luna who helped me get to the hospital when my water broke and stayed with me in the hospital until Daniel arrived. She never told me her first name. She said to simply call her by Luna Senar. Because she was the mate of the Alpha in charge of the Royal Regime pack, she needed to conceal her identity in case things got out of hand and she needed to escape. I understood.

Luna Senar, Raver and I were accompanied by a dozen guards both from the Red Moon pack and the Royal Regime Pack.

Daniel didn't want to leave me but he had matters to deal with with Alpha Senar. I kind of figured what it was. I didn't question it.

We entered the Ramada hotel. The hotel that Daniel owned and ran. The hotel that most of the pack members lived in if not in the pack house.

However, today, the hotel was crowded with pack members overwhelmed with my presence. They kept saying that the bond between their Luna and them had ignited and grew stronger as time passed. Many of the pack members also welcomed the heir to the Alpha position, my baby, Raver.

He had grown substantially bigger since I gave birth to him a week ago. He was already giggling and smiling as pack members cooed at him. Raver was the size of an one year old human boy.

"Raver is quite the superstar today," Mrs. Audrian said coming to my side.

I had taken a cup of peppermint tea from the kitchen and now was watching Raver enjoy the company of other werewolves. I was welcomed with open hands but Raver was welcomed like a super nova star. Yes, he got lots of the attention today.

"Yes, Raver seems to be enjoying it too," I replied taking a sip from my tea.

She then turned to face me. "My dear, we thought we had lost you," she said sincerely. "When you disappeared and the link between you and the pack broke, we thought you died."

I stared at the steam coming out of my tea cup. I didn't know what to say. With all I was going through during that time, I didn't realize my absence would affect the entire pack.

Perfect Hell (Book 1) - COMPLETED! (editing in process!)Where stories live. Discover now