Chapter Fifteen

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The Perfect Hell

**again, sexual content in this chapter.**

Chapter Fifteen

Felicia's POV

I woke up to the smell of chicken and a large arm over top of my body. I turned my head to see Daniel sound asleep.

I traced my finger over top his face and down to his chest. I am truly amazed that the love of my life, my soulmate is truly sexy as hell.

I unwrapped myself from his grasp and began changing into a new set of clothes. I also washed myself down with the towel and cold water that Daniel brought in earlier before my heat.

Heat. A part of every female werewolf's life just like a period was to a human girl. But this was more interesting. I looked at myself in my mirror and readjusted and applied my makeup. I was literally glowing. I was always told that after a good sex session, the girl would glow. I never believed it till now.

I tiptoed towards my door and was about to open it up when I heard my brothers talking. No matter how quiet they tried to be, their voices always were too loud.

"He's a werewolf," was all I needed to hear to gasp.

How did they find out? I opened the door and walked out. Immediately earning the attention of the kids. Danci and Colas ran up to me and hugged me. I gave them both a kiss on the forehead before moving towards my brothers. I acted like I didn't hear what they said.

"What's for dinner Kuya Nath?" He was always a good cook. I always enjoyed his cooking back in Calgary.

"Chicken," he replied attending to the chicken.

Vince and Alex kept quiet. That obviously made me suspicious. How much did they know about Daniel being a werewolf?

So I went and asked them directly. "I heard you say Daniel is a werewolf."

Vince's and Alex's head popped up and I could see Nath's eyes widen. I wanted to laugh out loud. Oh how I miss seeing this particular expression. I was usually the one to be shocked, it was never them.

I went to the fridge and brought out the orange juice and several cups from the cupboard. I poured out some juice for both Danci and Colas who were hovering near my feet asking for some juice. As I poured out juice for my brothers, who had not said anything yet, I asked again. "Why do you think Daniel is a werewolf?"

They fidgeted in their positions. I sighed, they always took long before telling me stuff.

Finally Kuya Alex spoke up. "He says mate instead of girlfriend. His favorite animal is the wolf. Colas says he's the Alpha and also said Luna. I've only read stuff relating to those words in werewolf fictions."

Wow, Kuya Alex was smart to clue in all those together to one novel he read. But it was just a novel. A fiction novel to be exact.

I laughed. I needed to deter them from that thought. "Kuyas," I said. "In Daniel's home, that's what they use to call each other. Girlfriend and boyfriends were actually mates. Alpha was husband and Luna was wife. And everyone has a personal preference to their favorite animal. It just happens that Daniel likes the wolf. You can't simply assume right away."

Kuya Nath seem to accept what I said because it seemed more logical than accepting Daniel is a mythical creature. Well, it's not mythical if the creature is real.

Kuya Vince was simply quiet. Kuya Alex didn't seem satisfied with how I answered.

He suddenly asked, "why does Colas seem so familiar to us?"

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