Chapter 4

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" I'm so sorry. I was just not paying attention. " I say hurriedly.  He offers me a small smile and I relax. 

" It's okay don't worry ." He says kindly. I realize that he is one of the guys Zoey almost ran over this morning. 

" I'm Bianca. " I say hoping he doesn't recognize me. 

" Dylan. " He responds. Coaches whistle shrieks and we hurry into to lines. She explains the tournament and how to win. Coach has been teaching here for a very long time and it seems that she can get away with forcing kids to play soccer for her own twisted amusement. She begins to call teams. At first, I see random kids leaving together then I hear my name. 

" Bianca and Candace. " Coach calls. I feel all the blood drain from my face my shoulders slump and I shake my head. Candace sends me a sickly sweet smile and I feel my stomach lurch. 

" Can Bianca be my partner? " A familiar voice asks Coach. I look and see that Dylan is standing next to me. 

" Of Course. " Coach says sweetly. You can practically see the drool fall from her lips. Dylan smiles at her and steers me away quickly. 

"Thanks, " I say quietly. 

" No prob. " Dylan says. The rest of gym is a blur Dylan is like the Hulk he is huge and just a straight up amazing. I basically watched him play rather than actually playing . At the end of class, my team was in the lead and Candace was pissed. I changed quickly and ran to the library for free period. 

As a senior at Liberty Central High, you are required to volunteer at a school facility. Most people want the music and Art classes but I chose the library. Its a quiet secluded area of the building which is pretty much always empty except around finals week. I sat behind the counter reading To kill a Mocking Bird, one of my favorite books. I hear the door creak open and peek over my book I see a boy in a black leather jacket walking towards me. 

" Can I help you? " I ask the boy when he arrives at the desk. 

" Um, do you have a book about the Constitutional Convention with pictures. Like a comic book or something? " He asks. I blink at him. He's in High School for Pete's sake. They don't even make comics for that anyway. I calm my instincts and respond with simplicity, 

" No, I'm sorry we don't have that. " He rolls his eyes. 

"However, " I continue pretending I didn't see that rude gesture " I could suggest the book The Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787. " I say with a smile. I grab the book from behind me and hand it to him. He looks at the book and back at me. 

" Y'all must be trippin' you think I have any time to do the work you out your mind. " He says his New York accent floating out his mouth. 

" Well, that's the best I got so take it or leave it I don't really care. " I say angrily. The boy steps back as if shocked that I responded. 

He takes the book off the desk and shoves it in his backpack. He gets up and begins to walk away. 

"Name ?" I ask . 

"Clint, Clint Evans. " 

I type the name and the book title into the system. As soon as it goes through I go back to reading my book and wait until the bell rings. 


The rest of my classes go smoothly and by 2 o'clock the bell is ringing and I can go. 

I put my remaining books in my locker and walk to Zoey's car. I see Jax, Dylan, Liam, and Clint talking. When they see me they stop talking and watch me walk to Zoey's car. When they think I'm a safe distance away they continue. I wonder what that was about. I think to myself. My phone rings and I see that it's my mom calling. 

" Hey, Sweetheart. " She says 

" Hi, Mom ."

" Honey I have no idea what I should make for the dinner tonight! " She says worriedly. 

" How about your chicken parm since you make the best in the world. And a salad. For dessert though you should make your triple chocolate brownies. " I suggest. 

"Oh, you're a genius thanks, honey. See you soon " She says as she hangs up the phone. I climb into Zoey's car and we drive off. 


When I get home I see the kitchen is in shambles. My mom is covered in flour and sweat. She strains a huge pot of pasta in the sink. 

" Oh hi honey, " she says finally realizing I was there.  

" Hi, mom. " I respond. I look at the time I see that in thirty minutes the guests will be arriving. My mom still looks like she just came back from the gym. 

" How about I finish up here and you take a shower and freshen up. " I say 

" Really? " my mom asks overjoyed. 

"Yea I think I can handle it," I say. My mom goes upstairs and I hear the shower turn on. One of my only talents in this world is cooking. I like to make food look pretty. I use my piping bag and create a detailed flower design. As I finish putting the food on the table my mom comes back downstairs. She gasps when she sees what I did to the dining room. I've set the table with our blue set. On the green and white tablecloth, it really pops. I folded the napkins into roses and have one for each person. It was a lot of work but it was great to see my mom so happy. She pulls me into a hug and I feel my body start to feel oxygen deprived. But thankfully just at that moment, the doorbell rings. I run over to open the door and see four very familiar faces looking down at me. 


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