Chapter 20: Angry Black girl

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I said goodbye to Cyrus as politely as I could and practically ran upstairs to my room. I was in a good mood. Maybe that was a good thing. I open my text to see what's happened and I see 3 from an unknown number.

Unknown Number
You better stay away from Cyrus you slut!
I will personally come after you
We wouldn't want maybe Izayah finding out about your little escapades.
I shake my head. Whoever sent this knows about Izayah and Cyrus. Then again nothing really happening with them. Is there something? Well do I want something to happen? I shake my head clearing it of stray thoughts. I snuggle up under the blankets and close my eyes willing sleep.

At 6am my alarm goes off and I'm already up. I got about 6 hours of sleep but I feel a little better. In my hours awake I figured out what I should do. I sneak downstairs and grab the car keys. I drive over to Izayah's house and park a few houses away. I knock on the door and some women opens the door.
"Say is upstairs," she slurs her breath reeking of alcohol.
"Okay," I say sliding around her. I climb up the stairs and put my hand on the door knob. I stop.
"You can go in you know. He's just studying, " Axl says smiling at me. I thank him and open the door.
Izayah and Clint are lip locked. Izayah must have seen me first because he just aboust jumps through the ceiling.
"Babe what's -," Clint begins to say his eyes widening as he looks at me.
"B we can explain," Clint says.
"Clint we can't lie to her tell her the truth." Zay says.
"Zay and I have been dating forgave a month. It all kind of happened. We keep it a secret because we don't want the whole school to know," Clint says softly.
"Guys I'm not an angry black girl. I'm happy that you guys are together it make me happy that your happy," I say smiling. I think life just gave me a present.
"So tell me what about you guys? Both gay?" I ask softly.
"Well I'm gay but Izayah is Bi," Clint says. Of all the people to be gay Clint surprised me.
"Bianca?" Zay asks.
"Yea I'm back," I say returning from my thoughts.
"Well if you don't mind we were kind of in the middle of something Bianca," Clint says smirking.
"Oh I'll just leave then," I say winking at the red Izayah. I close the door and creep out the house. I see Zay's mom knocked out on the couch. I open the door and slide out. I speed home and jump up into bed. I don't feel like going to school today. I text Zoey.

Me : Hey
Zoey: sup
Me: Wyd
Zoey: headed to school
Me: wanna ditch
Zoey: sure On my way!
Me: k see you soon
I open the house door and flop into bed.
Zoey shows up in a few minutes and she joins me on my bed.
"So what's the latest and greatest?" She asks me staring at the ceiling.
"Well I met this guy.." I begin.
"What about Izayah?" She asks.
"I'm not his type," I say laughing at my terrible response.
"Okay," she says.
"Well you know Cyrus. Ca you tell
me more about him and Candace?" I ask my best friend.
"Well they started dating last year. Total it couple. Then Candace started spreading her legs open for everyone and anyone. He got fed up and broke up with her like two weeks ago, then he shows up at our school and you get on a bike with him."
"Oh wow that looks pretty bad," I say.
"Why?" She asks.
"Cause I got these crazy texts," I say showing them to her.
"Well if Izayah's already taken so no worries," she says
"But what if they do good on their promise and get me back?" I ask her.
We sit silently thinking for about 5 minutes before Zoey gets aggravated.
"Let's have a crazy sleepover!" She says jumping up.
"Okay!" I say thanking god for her craziness.
We sit on the floor cross legged and do each other's make up. Our faces are covered by the end. We go down stairs and see that there's no ice cream. We grab jackets and head out to the store.
The cashier must think we're crazy. We have our pajamas on with party makeup on. He asks no questions though. We drive back home and sit on the bed watching Netflix and eating ice cream.
"Want pizza?" I ask her. She nods happily. I order the pizza and the guy says that he'll be here in 15 minutes. I sit with Zoey till the pizza comes.
The doorbell rings and I get up to answer the door. Liam looks back at me and smirks.
"$10 Miss," he says sarcastically.
Here I say shoving the money in his hand. I take the pizza and slam the door in his face.
The next morning I wake up with makeup all over my face and an exhausted Zoey in the corner. I take a shower and get changed into some decent clothes. Zoey does the same. She goes downstairs to get the charger when I hear,
against my window.
I open and a certain brown haired boy looks back at me.
"Miss me Princess?" He calls.
I'm so sorry about the update. It got deleted so I was re remembering and re writing!
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